One [F.N.G]

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"Look I know just as well as anyone else how boring camp can be"

Her sister spoke gently, Maria sat on the edge of Alyssa's plush four poster bed, dark cotton ten sheets contrasting the light wood of the frame. Alyssa's pack sat next to her as the younger sibling moved around the large room, rummaging through her dressers for any essentials she would need.

"You need to work on your folding though. Jesus! Thought mum would have taught you better than this" Maria laughed removing a screwed-up shirt and folding it neatly for her younger sibling, Alyssa raised an eyebrow watching the elder.

"Sorry I wasn't taught army regulation folding; James must love that about you" Alyssa chuckled moving through to her large en-suite to retrieve her toiletries. Maria chuckled shaking her head lightly as she emptied her sisters bag ready to re pack it with all clothes neatly and precisely folded.

"Actually, it annoys the fuck out of him!" Maria called through to the bathroom. Alyssa shook her head with a silent laugh, she caught a glimpse of herself in the reflection of the large mirror that hung above the sink.

Her hair fell in loose waves over one of her shoulders, she stared at herself for a moment wondering how in the hell she was meant to convince the best of the best of the army she was In fact one of them and belonged there. She sighed heavily, gripping the sink as she felt a wave of nerves crash over here.

It was a strange feeling, feeling so nervous it turned her stomach, made her feel as if any second, she would throw up right there in the sink. She hadn't been this nervous to go to Russia, she had been more nervous returning from Russia than going out there. How did she feel more comfortable going undercover with the worlds most wanted terrorist rather than to her own countries armed forces. She took a deep breath, counting to ten silently in her head, she felt her stomach relax, her heart beat slow and her breathing return to normal. She gave herself one final glance in the well-lit mirror, nodding silently to herself.

'You can do this'

"I'm going to want to put a bullet through my skull within five minuets' of being there" she chuckled to her sister as she left the bathroom, pushing her nerves to the back of her mind, Maria chuckled lightly nodding her head.

"Yeah...yeah you will, I've only been to Credenhill once was great" Maria replied not so reassuringly. Alyssa rolled her eyes, tossing her toiletries into her pack.

"Well thanks for the reassurance" Alyssa laughed, Maria stood as she finished folding the last pair of camo trousers in the standard military way, she gently placed them into the pack as sighed turning to face Alyssa.

"I'm never going to pass for one of them" Alyssa mumbled, she threw herself back onto her plush mattress, feeling the soft Cotton sheets beneath her skin, her hands moving to roughly rub her face in a bid to wipe away her worries.

"you'll pick it up as you go, Lissie, a lot of its just standard." Maria spoke watching the younger sibling as she pulled herself up to rest on her elbows. The elder sibling smiled reassuringly at her younger sibling, although she didn't know the full details of her sister's mission, she had been asked personally by Jones to write a recommendation for her under the alias of a field medic, Maria had smiled knowing finally her sister's education would finally be put to some use.

"that's alright for you to say, miss Major, you did all basic training." the younger shot back, her elder sisters face pulled into a surprised look, her mouth dropping open slightly.

"What you think training for MI6 is any easier? hell MI6 is probably as close as you can get to SAS training without actually going through it." Maria challenged, Alyssa sighed heavily throwing herself back down, so she was lying down, Maria chuckled climbing onto her sister's bed laying next to her, both siblings staring at the ceiling.

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