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"Alright princess"

Riley chuckled, his hand gripping Alyssa's shoulder as he appeared at the table beside her, the medic rolled her eyes, glancing towards Sanderson, who wore a rather amused grin, before returning her attention to the lieutenant.

"Ya know that could be seen as derogatory?" Alyssa lightly chuckled as Riley made his way to the empty seat opposite from her, sitting on the small stool, he placed his tray down in-front of himself and began eating.

"Look at you with your big words, learn that one all by yourself?" He teased with a small smile; Alyssa smirked lightly raising an eyebrow towards the lieutenant.

"You don't look well lieutenant. Are you sure your medically fit to be going on this mission?" She teased back, Riley simply shrugged his shoulders with a small chuckle turning his attention back to his food.

"Ghost is right though. You need a call sign" Royce added, he sat to the left of Sanderson, his dark skin contrasted heavily against the white shirt he wore, his dark eyes watching Alyssa as he sipped his hot tea.

"Agreed. If I've been shot, I don't wanna have to wait for this twat to get your name out" Meat chuckled lightly slapping Royce's chest.

"Fuck you. I can speak a lot faster than you Ya prick" Royce shot back, they bickered back and forth for a moment, The medic, lieutenant, and sergeant chuckling between themselves.

"So, what should it be?" Riley finally spoke watching Alyssa. She shrugged her shoulders lightly; she didn't wish to be here long enough to earn a stupid nickname. She had hoped she would be gone before earning the right to a call sign.

"Roach? What do you think?" Riley questioned. Sanderson stared into space for a moment, his chin resting on his palm as he thought, he let out a small hum as he contemplated the question.

"Queenie" the sergeant finally spoke, all the men's eyes landed on Roach, as if he had just made some amazing scientific discovery that would change the world. Alyssa's gaze snapped from her paperwork towards the sergeant.

"No" she muttered.

"I like that" Royce nodded.

"No" she spoke again glancing at Royce.

"It's catchy" meat added.

"No" her voice louder as she looked at meat, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Queenie it is" Riley declared loudly, the men all chuckled, Alyssa dropped her head to her hands shaking it gently.

"If any of you call me Queenie, I'll let you bleed out I swear" she mumbled, the men's laughter erupted as she once again dropped her head to her hands.

"Queenie, do you copy?"

Alyssa rolled her eyes dropping her head back against the crumbling wall behind her, she could hear Roach chuckling quietly as he looked over a map he held in his hands.

"I told you not to call me that" she growled quietly through her coms. She glanced across past the sergeant towards where the lieutenant and captain where ducked behind a burnt-out truck, the lieutenant looked awkward, his tall lanky frame crouch at a seemingly uncomfortable angle, the captain looked like the truck barely covered his larger frame, Mactavish tried to make himself as small as possible in a bid to hide.

"Well until you come up with a name more suitable Princess" Alyssa groaned once more as another chuckle left the sergeants lips, she playfully slapped his chest.

"This is your fault" she laughed; Roach simply shrugged his shoulders tapping his pen on the map three times before tucking it away safely in his vest.

"Roach, you hang back with queenie." Mactavish began through coms earning another groan from Alyssa. she shook her head slightly, resting it back against the broken wall watching the clear blue sky above them, the sun hot and burning as it pounded down on them unrelenting. Her heavy army gear uncomfortable as the helmet on her head restricted her movement slightly.

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