Eight [The Party]

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The atmosphere in the Rec room was electric.

In the short amount of time Toad had been given, the Rec room looked somewhat decent.

The sniper had tasked; meat and Royce to hide the furniture away, they had pushed the sofa to the edge of the room, hidden the TV along with the PlayStation and games in the captain's office, taken the coffee table into meats room, rolled up the worn-out rug and hidden it in the 'murder' shower. Ozone had been tasked with setting up the small supply of flashing lights, he had brought them on the cheap, just to give the effect he'd say. Archer had been tasked with helping to set up the sound systems.

Alyssa could already hear the pounding music from her room, it rattled the walls, the loud chatter of the men falling from the room. She stared at herself in the small mirror.

She had spent the late morning and afternoon sorting out her room, she had managed to find a replacement set of draws thanks to captain Mactavish, a small mirror thanks to Roach, Riley had even replaced the small plaque on her door, officially dubbing her Queenie and welcoming her to the 141.

She checked over herself one last time, she ran her hands over her black crop top that exposed her shoulders and collar bones, moving to smooth out her high waisted acid washed jeans. She sighed fixing her now much shorter hair which, only hours earlier and reached down her chest, now reached just below her chin. She gave herself a reassuring nod, her bloodshot eyes expertly covered by concealer and mascara.

She wasn't in the mood to get drunk, knowing she would probably end up in tears over Sam's affair, she ran her hands over her face gently before running them through her hair.

'You can do this'

Mactavish stood in the Kitchen resting lazily against the counter, an array of alcohol behind him, he clinked his large glass of whiskey with Archer, the pair throwing back their drink before the sniper poured them another.

The room was alive, music playing loudly as the lights flashed vibrantly. The makeshift dance floor packed with men throwing out awful dance moves that made the captain chuckle. Riley and Sanderson at the Centre seeming to lead the men.

"Didn't miss much, did I?" The captain felt her hand on his shoulder, he spun to face her.

He froze taking in her appearance as if she was a fresh cool glass of water in the middle of the Sahara. His mouth hung open slightly as he examined her, eyes scanning every inch of her face. Her eyes still held a sadness as he met her gaze, he glanced to the hand resting on his shoulder, a bandage wrapped tightly around it.

"Er no. No. Other that's ghosts horrific dance moves" Mactavish chuckled, his gaze falling to Ghost. The lieutenant stood at the Centre of the make-shift dance floor, attempting to do the running man.

"No fucking way" Queenie smiled widely, a laugh falling from her lips as she finally saw the lieutenants face. His sharp jaw clean shaven, a mop of dark hair lightly coated in sweat, heavy bags settled under his dark eyes which held an drunken haze, his cheeks lightly pink as he jumped around.

"Your hair looks...nice" the captain nodded all too aware her hand still rested on his shoulder, she smiled lightly.

"You think so? I don't know I kind of regretted it straight away" the captain smiled slightly, his gaze falling to the floor before returning to her face.

"It suits you" he smiled with a small nod, archer handing him another glass of whiskey.

"Dya want one?" The older sniper asked gruffly, Alyssa nodded gently, the sniper quickly pouring her a glass of whiskey and handing it to her. She raised it towards the captain with a small smile before throwing the liquid back.

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