Thirty Three [ EndGame]

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Alyssa huffed.

the loose strands of hair blowing from her muddied face. She quickly reloaded her rifle, pressing it to her shoulder watching through the old broken plane window.

The battlefield was chaos.

it didn't take long for Makarovs men to swarm the team, a hundred loyalists surrounding them, ambushing them. She had lost track of Soap and Price within the chaos as Shadow company had arrived, initially she had been revealed, the Americans there to offer assistance, but as she had tried to approach one, he had lifted his gun aiming directly for her. She had dived out of the way, barely holding onto her gun before sending a shot through his skull and, crawling to cover.

"Roach? Ghost? Come in, Ghost. Do you copy? Does anyone copy?!" Soaps voice rang through the small device embedded in her ear, she was relieved to hear his voice, even if it was met with static. Alyssa fired rounds with expert precision sending loyalists and shadow company members to their graves.

"They're dead, Soap. Shepherd's cleaning house. I'm working my way back to you. Queenie? Try and work your way back towards soap" Price's voice followed, Alyssa paused, her stomach sinking as she processed his words.

Her hand trembled for a brief moment.

Ghost and roach were dead.

It twisted and turned her stomach, knotting it so tightly she couldn't breathe. Shepherd was the traitor. The traitor she never found.

It was her fault.

"Shepherd betrayed us" the words turned her stomach; she didn't even realise she had spoken them as she swallowed thickly. John could hear her voice crack even through the static of their coms. His eyes searched the chaotic Battlefield for any sign of the agent. His eyes never found her frame.

"Have to trust someone to be betrayed. I never did." Price simply replied. His words didn't offer Alyssa any form of comfort, it made her jaw wind tighter in fact at how casually he was speaking of her friend's death, without care.

"Nikolai, come in. Do you have our location?" Price questioned. Alyssa composed herself, knowing if she didn't, she would soon join Ghost and Roach, she continued firing rounds until her M4 clicked, she pulled the trigger a few more times, only to be met with more clicks, she groaned to herself before tossing it to the side.


"Da. Inbound, Price. But I am not the only one. You've got Shepherd's men on one side, Makarov's on the other" an unknown Russian accent rang through her coms.

"We'll have to take them all out then." Price replied, the sound of gun fire filling Alyssa's ears as a hostile opened fire on her. She flinched rolling across the ground out of the line of fire. She took her handgun lifting it. The shooter fell to the ground lifeless, his blood pooling around him mixing with the mud that coated the ground.

"Or let them take each other out. Either way, I'll see you on the other side, my friend." The Russian replied with a slight chuckle which unsettled Alyssa.

"Soap! Queenie! Shepherd's trying to wipe out us and Makarov at the same time! Head for rally point Bravo to the west! Trust no one!" Price ordered, Alyssa reloaded her pistol, her fingers ghosting over the knife on her hip. She took a deep breath, calming her nerves before breaking from cover sprinting towards the rally point.

It was chaos.

Guns firing in every direction.

Bullets whizzed through the air.

Alyssa tried her best to avoid people she ducked and dived behind broken machinery and man-made holes from explosions. Her white t-shirt now stained with dirt. Stray tears rolled freely down her cheeks despite her efforts to keep them contained.

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