Thirty Five [To Build A Home]

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She laid on her side staring into the darkness of the room.

It was late.

she didn't know how late but the room was pitch black.

the only sound filling the room were John's soft snores, He laid facing away from her, his chest rising and falling slowly. Alyssa shifted slightly, she had lost track of time, only focusing on his soft snores hoping they would draw her into a welcome slumber.

But her mind raced, she thought of Ghost and Roach. She wondered if Sian knew, she had seen how her friend's eyes had lit up when she had told the agent she was speaking with the lieutenant. She wondered what was being said about them back home? She was a war criminal now. She couldn't never return to the life she once had.

She rolled Over, facing Johns back as a frustrated groan left her lips, she pulled the covers tighter around herself, her eyes filling with tears as she struggled to push them away. A heavy sigh leaving her lips as she buried her head deeper into the covers, closing her eyes tightly willing herself to sleep.

John groaned lightly, rolling over his arms wound their way around the girl in his sleep, he gently moved closer to her his head resting gently on top of her own, he relaxed as his arms held her close, his heart beating rhythmically in his chest. She listened intently focusing only on the feeling of him holding her.

Alyssa could see the early morning sunrise breaking through the thin worn curtains behind John, her jaw tightened as she finally accepted the fact she wouldn't be lulled into a peaceful sleep tonight.

John groaned in his sleep, Alyssa glanced up noticing the way his eyebrows pulled together slightly, His breathing quickened, he rolled quickly onto his back, Alyssa sat up watching as he shifted slightly.

His eyebrows set deep, his face contorting, a thin layer of sweat covered his bare chest as he shifted once again quicker this time.

Alyssa carefully moved closer towards him, gently running her fingers through his hair and dragging the gently across his cheek, hoping to sooth him back into his once peaceful sleep.

"No he mumbled breathlessly, he became more restless, moving more, pushing the sheets further down, now barely covering his waist.

"Its okay... its okay" Alyssa whispered gently, she carefully pressed her lips to his forehead, holding them there for a moment as her short nails gently scratched his scalp.

John relaxed for a moment, his breathing stilled and his face relaxed, Alyssa sighed gently moving back but leaving her fingers gently tangled in his hair, she hummed to herself relaxing back onto the mattress.

John sat up suddenly.

He gasped as his chest heaved, his hands gripping the sheets below him tightly.

He groaned in pain as the force of the action sent a shooting pain throughout his abdomen. His eyes searched the room wildly, his eyes barely adjusted to the early dawn sunbreak.

"John?" Alyssa whispered quietly, she sat up wrapping her arms around his chest, resting her chin carefully on his shoulder, the moved quickly below her chin with his heavy breaths.

"Sorry lass" he mumbled, running his hands harshly over his face, Alyssa softly pressed her lips to his bare shoulder, his hands moving to hold her arms as she clung to his bare carefully.

"Wanna talk about it?" She mumbled against his skin, John looked at her, her hair messy and wild, dark circles settled under eye heavy set eyes as she closed them softly.

"You haven't slept?" He questioned lightly as he shifted laying back on his back pulling her into his side, she cuddled closer to him, careful to avoid his injury as she wrapped herself around him.

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