Eighteen [Delicate]

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Alyssa eagerly awaited the teams return, she had completed her three weeks bench duty, and an extra two weeks on top of that due to the team being deployed on an intel gathering mission that had taken longer than first thought.

She found herself longing to be back in the field, longing for the adrenaline to be filling her veins as she fought, however she had grown accustomed to playing house with the captain. They would work in each other's offices, opting to have company rather than stay alone for majority of the day.

In the evening once their work was complete, Alyssa would cook meals for them both, they would sit on the sofa together eating before John would clear up, washing up anything they used. They would then settle into the sofa for the next few hours browsing crappy movies, she much preferred being stuck at camp with the captain rather than anyone else.

She found herself truly lost to the fantasy she was in, a field medic who played house with her captain, cooking for him and tending to his wound when he needed. She found her slipping further and further from the cold harsh reality this was all fantasy. Broken whenever he called her Emily, a cold shower of water reminding her she wasn't who she pretends to be, she wasn't who he called her.

"Emily?" He spoke again after his words fell on deaf ears the first time. She hummed dragging herself from her thoughts turning towards the captain. Pulling herself back into the warm welcoming embrace of her the fantasy she currently craved.

He laid on her examination table, t-shirt slightly lifted revealing the large dressing across his abdomen, he rested on his elbows as he watched her, eyebrows slightly pulled together.

"I said are you okay? You seem out of it" he spoke with a slight chuckle, she chuckled lightly, pulling on her blue examination gloves and wheeling the small stool over to the edge of the bed.

"Yeah...just thinking about what I wanna cook tonight" she lied not looking at the captain. She fiddled with her equipment on the small table next to her before turning to the captain.

"Lie down" she ordered. He smirked lightly.

"Yes ma'am" he chuckled laying back flat against the table, he turned his head watching her as she discarded the old dressing.

"And don't bother about cooking. I wanna show you something so we can grab something then" he spoke matter of factly. She side eyed him, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Oh? Taking me out to dinner now, are you?" She teased; the captain chuckled as she gently pressed around the stitches. His flesh looked healthy, and the wound appeared to be healing incredibly well.

"Yeah, well I want to get out of camp, I can leave you here if you'd prefer?" He shot back, Alyssa smirked lightly at his words gently cleaning around the wound.

"So where are you taking me?" She questioned discarding the cleaning supplies and reaching for fresh gauze.

"It's a surprise. But if you have a leather jacket wear that. Oh, and jeans preferably. And trainers" he chuckled listing off the things. She nodded to herself gently patting down the dressing.

"Trainers, jeans and a leather jacket? I'm sure I can manage that" she smiled moving away from the table discarding her gloves in the bin.

"Good. 7pm out front" the captain nodded before standing up.

"See you then captain" she smiled washing her hands as he made his way to the door.

It was seven.

She stood outside the barracks waiting for the captain, she hadn't seen him further that day and she had searched.

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