Thirty Seven [Life Eternal]

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"How did you know my parents?"

Price sat in the Helicopter, Yuri and Nikolai exchanged a small glance as the agent's voice rang through the bird. Price inhaled through his nose deeply before meeting the agent's gaze.

"What?" He questioned, His leg hung lazily out the side of the bird as the wind whipped through, small dark strands of the agent's hair blowing Lazily across her face.

"You knew me back at crendenhill, or you knew my father... how?" She questioned staring him down, a ghost of a smile broke across the captain's face as he returned his gaze back out of the bird watching below him as the snow-covered ground whizzed past.

"We worked together. A while back. I even met you when you were a few days old" he chuckled.

Alyssa frowned slightly; her father had never mentioned Price. Neither had her mother.

"Your mother brought you to base when your father was there. It was his first time meeting you too" Price chuckled. Alyssa could remember all the frequently the story her parents would tell her of her first trip to the army base.

She had been born while her father was deployed, her mother insisting she couldn't wait any longer to come into the world. her mother had recounted the story many times how she had taken a fresh Alyssa, wrapped in a small pink bundle of blankets to meet her father for the first time.

He had jumped down from the bird, bounding over towards his wife, wrapping his arms around her embracing her, before he carefully took his baby daughter into his arms, introducing her to his team, proclaiming she would me the major to all their sons and nothing would hold her back.

The agent nodded slowly.

"She would tell me the story" Alyssa chuckled lightly, she lent her head back against the metal of the helicopter, her thoughts drifting back to her family.

Maria would be married by now; she would have had her wedding and be on her honeymoon somewhere enjoying herself. She wondered if David and his wife we're expecting their first child yet? They had been trying for so long. She sighed to herself closing her eyes tightly fighting the tears that threatened to spill.

She wondered how her mother was? How her father was? She wanted to hear their voices, she just wanted to call her mum, for her mother to tell her everything was going to be okay, that it would all work out, that she could return to her normal life.

She was a child, craving her mothers' comfort.

Her jaw tightened the more she thought of it, she pictured them in her mind, their wide smiles, their welcoming embrace. She could hear their laughter; she could smell her childhood home. It warmed her, despite the cold air whipping past she felt the comforting warmth.

"Approaching safe house" Nikolai spoke, Alyssa's eyes opened, watching as the compound came into view, reality soon set back in, and the images of Alyssa's childhood hope were quickly replaced.

As the engine died and she jumped onto the snow-covered ground, it crunching beneath her trainers, Her ears pricked. The sound caused her to freeze, staring intently at the safe house.

Her stomach dropped as she heard it again, her head snapped round towards Price. The elder captain stood equally as frozen as her, his gaze fixed intently on the safe house before both their legs carried them quickly towards the door.

John's screams echoed through the house as the agent shoved the door open.

Her eyes wild as they scanned the large entrance of the safe house, Price stood directly behind her.

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