Thirty [Short Lead]

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"The US is at war, Russian forces used the information from the ACS module you retrieved to slip under the radar" Shepherd sat at his desk, Mactavish and Alyssa sat Infront of him listening to him intently.

"So, what's our next move?" Mactavish questioned; his gaze briefly flicking towards Alyssa before returning to the general. The agent lent back in her leather chair listening to the general as he spoke.

"There is a nuclear bomb abroad a submarine, near Petropavlovsk. I want you to send a small team in-" shepherd's words were cut short as the captain's door opened, price walked into the office looking at soap and Alyssa before moving further into the room ready to listen to the debrief.

"Back from the brink, Captain." Shepherd nodded curtly towards Price.

"'Out of the frying pan' is more like it. This world looks more like hell than the one I just left." Price spoke leaning heavily on the wall at the back of the office. Alyssa gave Soap a questioning glance, the captain nodded at her subtly before returning his attention back towards Shepherd.

"We thought we'd recover the ACS before the Russians could crack it. We were wrong. Then Makarov turned the U.S. into his scapegoat. Next thing you know there's flames everywhere." Shepherd continued, Price made a noise somewhere from behind Alyssa, the agent glanced towards the elder captain before returning her gaze back towards shepherd.

"There's a Russian sub with a nuke pointed straight at the US" soap commented, the younger captain folded his arms over his chest leaning back in his chair.

"You wanna put out an oil fire, Sir, you set off a bigger explosion right next to it. Sucks away the oxygen. Snuffs the flame." Price spoke walking further into the office from the darkness of the room, He stood behind Alyssa and Soap glancing at each of them before returning his attention to Shepherd.

"Price, you been locked away too long. Better get your mind right." Shepard spoke through gritted teeth.

"Took the words right out of my mouth sir" Alyssa mumbled, Price side eyed her as she kept her gaze focused ahead, Price inhaled deeply through his nose before moving even further into the office leaning on shepherds desk heavily.

"Shepherd, are you willing to do what is necessary to win?" Price challenged, shooting an unimpressed glance over his shoulder towards Alyssa.

"Always" shepherd replied, standing up leaning his own hands on his desk mirroring Price's Position.

"We got ourselves a pretty big fire. Gonna need a huge bang." Price spoke watching shepherd.

"You've been in the gulag too long, Price. We need to focus on taking Makarov out" Alyssa interjected standing up, she looked towards the younger captain hoping for him to agree with her, but the younger captain remained silent.

"No time, we need to end this war today." With that Price left. Alyssa glanced from shepherd to Soap, the younger captain sat with a small smile playing on his lips knowing his captain will do what is necessary.

"dismissed" Shepherd spoke through gritted teeth. Alyssa and John quickly left the office walking in step with each other as they moved through the corridor.

"Do you trust him?" Alyssa finally spoke, Soap glanced towards the agent, moving to stand in front of her stopping her from moving any further.

"With my life... he's saved my arse on more than one occasion" Soap spoke matter of factly, Alyssa sighed lightly, rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest shifting her weight.

"Hey... he knows what he's doing... you can trust him" Soap spoke his hands resting on the agent's shoulders, smoothing out her shirt as he ducked slightly to meet her dropped gaze.

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