Twenty Two [Iris]

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John sighed lightly. His eyes slowly coming into focus as he woke in the early morning sun that pooled through the curtains. He ran his hand across his face, shifting slightly.

His eyes glanced down to the sleeping frame tucked safely under his arm, the medic cuddled into his chest, eyes closed in a peaceful slumber. He smiled lightly relaxing back into the bed, his arm resting behind his head as he gently stroked her arm with the other.

Her soft breaths washed over his skin, he stared at the ceiling remembering every small detail of last night, how she had felt in his arms, how he had swallowed her moans as if they were a nutritious meal.

"Morning" her tired voice mumbled through the room, John glanced down worried he had woken her, her eyes remained closed, eyebrows slightly furrowed as she nuzzled against him before waking.

"Morning" his voice was ten times deeper than she had heard it, accent so thick it made it hard to understand him, she gently rested her chin on her hand as she laid on his chest, watching as he stared at the ceiling.

"What you thinking about?" She questioned lightly, a small smile playing on her lips, the sheets wrapped around her still naked frame.

"About how perfect you look first thing in the morning" he smirked glancing down at her, she playfully rolled her eyes running her hand over her face in a bid to wipe away the sleep that coated her features.

The captain took her chin between his thumb and fore finger, turning her head to him, he lent down ready to press his lips to hers. Instead he was met with her palm, he stared at her for a second in confusion.

"I have morning breath" she mumbled, John rolled his eyes moving her hand away, he pretended to think for a moment before watching her once more.

"I don't care. Now stop being a princess and kiss me" he smiled, the medic chuckled lightly pressing her lips softly against his, his fingers tangled in her hair holding her close to him. As pulled away, resting her head back on his chest, content listening to his gentle heartbeat, feeling at peace with the slow rise and fall of his chest.

"Are you religious?" She questioned after a few moments of silence. John glanced down at her in confusion for a moment.

"Your necklace" she mumbled glancing up at him, a heavy sigh left his lips as he laid his head back returning his gaze to the white wash ceiling , her fingers gently lifted the delicate silver cross that sat around his neck, examining it gently.

"Well I'm pretty sure I was in heaven last night" he chuckled, Alyssa shot him an unimpressed glance.

"I'm serious" she chuckled lightly gently moving the cross along the silver chain around his neck.

"I dunno anymore... I used to like thinking that...there was something more... that everything that happened was for a reason" he mumbled, Alyssa lent on his chest listening to his words.

"My mam and gran are dead religious, used to wake me up at six every Sunday and drag me to church" he chuckled lightly, Alyssa smiled lightly, she envyed John, he made his childhood sound like a dream, she longed for her parents to have been present at key moments during her school years but they had shipped the kids off to boarding school to allow them to continue working. She never doubted if her parents loved her, she knew they provided her with the very best but she envyed how John had many memories of his childhood involving his mother.

"I doubt I'd get into heaven even if it was real" he spoke turning his head to watch her. Her eyebrows pulled together slightly.

"Why wouldn't you? You protect people everyday. You save the world" her voice soft, her hand found its way to his cheek, her thumb gently running over the rough stubble that covered his jaw.

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