Three [Crime & Punishment]

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Alyssa Groaned loudly, she pushed herself harder to finish yet another lap of the 400m track, her breaths were coming in violent bursts, each one hurting her chest even more than the last.

She hadn't realised when she had woken up that morning just how intense the Lieutenants punishment would be, she had been bright a chipper ready to impress him and work her way back into his good books when she had been waiting by the track. The lieutenant hadn't even acknowledged her as he wandered over just after half five. He hadn't acknowledged his own lateness to her as she stood shivering.

He had been wrapped warmly in his coat, a steaming mug of warm coffee in his hands as he had given her the order to warm up with a light jog around the track. She had done that with ease, wondering if this is all her punishment would include, running laps of the track. His next order had been to run the track, finishing it as quickly as she could. As she continued to push herself, she had regretted this decision deeply, a lot of her energy had been used to complete the first few laps as quickly as she could hoping the 'training' would be over.

What she hadn't realised was that no matter how quickly or slowly she completed the laps the lieutenant would not end her training session until she had learnt her lesson, until he himself had broken her enough to demand respect from her, making her wait the extra thirty minutes in the early morning chill had all been part of the punishment. He had left the barracks just before five, ready to beat her to the track and scold her for being even a minute late, but she had been there waiting, gently bouncing on her feet in a bid to keep warm, leaving her jacket in the barracks.

Riley had chuckled lightly, avoid the track completely and walking towards the mess hall, he had slowly made himself a cup of coffee and grabbed an abandoned newspaper, he hadn't even had interest in the news of the day, easily getting it all straight to his phone. However, he managed to spend half an hour reading through the pages before grabbing another coffee and making his way outside to her.

"Again!" Riley ordered as she approached the finish line once again, her mouth was so incredibly dry, sweat pouring from her body as she pushed herself round the large track once more. She couldn't even tell if she was taking breaths now, her chest burning just as badly as her legs, Riley could tell she was tired, she was struggling, her once perfect posture was now hunched slightly, the quick movement of her legs had slowed drastically.

"How many has she done?" Sanderson questioned appearing beside the lieutenant, Riley briefly glanced towards the sergeant before returning his attention to the medic as she made her way around the track once more. Sanderson shuddered slightly as the early morning chill nipped at his exposed skin, he gently sipped his coffee warming himself through as he wondered how the medic hadn't frozen within the first few moments of being outside, clad only in her camo trousers and sports bra.

"This is her sixth lap" Riley's voice was smug as he flicked his attention towards the Sergeant before returning it to the FNG.

"but since you're here... I've got an idea" Riley smirked patting Sanderson on the shoulders.

Alyssa watched from across the track as Riley patted Sandersons shoulder, the only thought pushing her round this dumb track was when she was off this fucking mission, back at MI6 she would come here and make Riley do some stupid training as pay back. run a hundred laps of this fucking track and then some, make him scrub the showers with his own toothbrush, make him venture down the sides of the manky old sofa that sat abandoned in the rec room with God knows what old food stuffed down the sides. She plotted out her punishment as she neared the finish line once again ready to be told to do another lap.

"Right. I want 20 squats" Riley's voice shouted as she crossed the finish line once more. she slowed walking over to the Lieutenant, her hands resting on her hips as she took deep breaths trying to get some oxygen back into her body. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly wondering if this was how he planned to 'break' her, running and squats. She chuckled to herself wondering how these men were 'the best of the best'

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