Thirty Eight [Baba Yaga]

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Alyssa stretched.

Her eyes thick with sleep as she slowly came to her senses, she shuddered lightly, a warmth wrapped itself around her back, she groggily turned, glancing over her shoulder to see Nikita's sleeping frame.

He was laying on his stomach, arm flung over her as soft breaths left his lips. His eyes twitching lightly as he fell deeper into his peaceful sleep. Alyssa carefully peeled herself from under his embrace. Shivering lightly as her feet met the expensive rug.

She pulled his expensive shirt tighter around her frame, the crisp white material creased with her sleep, she gripped the side of the expensive bed as she wiggled her toes lightly in the rug.

"no please" She heard a quite whimper. Her eyebrows pulled together, she reached for Nikita lightly shaking him.

"Nikita. Nikita" She whispered as she shook his shoulder, the man grumbled in his sleep turning his back to the girl. She rolled her eyes, noticing the handgun laid on his bedside table. She carefully crept around the bed, reaching for the cool metal of the silver pistol.

She held it tightly as she made her way towards the door, she creaked it open lightly, her eyes once again falling to Nikita's sleeping frame, a heavy sigh leaving his lips as he shifted in the sheets slightly before relaxing once again.

Alyssa held the gun tightly as she made her way to the top of the stairs, she moved silently across the wooden floor, her ears perked and listening intently.

"I fucking told you" the sound of someone hitting something filled Alyssa's ears.

"keep" Hit.

"fucking" Hit.

"Quiet" Hit.

Alyssa was light on her feet as she moved down to the bottom of the stairs, Light pooling through from the Lounge into the large entrance way.

Alyssa kept back as she glanced through the crack in the door, her eyes slowly adjusting from the darkness to the blinding light of the lounge. The plush white Sofa's were pushed to the side of the room, bottles of Alcohol littered the floor. White powder Strewn across the coffee table.

Her eyes fell to the back of a man, he was hunched over something, his body moving slightly, she could see he was straddling something, or someone, their legs moved desperately as they were clearly fighting the man pinning them to the floor.

"Just. Stop fighting!" He spat, his fist raising and coming down with a sickening crack. Alyssa's eyebrows pulled together slightly; a muffled cry left the person's lips.

Alyssa loosely held the pistol, as she moved into the light.

"What are you doing?" She questioned, the man froze, quickly turning watching Alyssa over his shoulder. He let out a nervous chuckle as his body blocked whoever was under him.

"I'm sorry if we woke you... she cant handle her drink" He chuckled, Alyssa recognised him as Alexsei, someone who she knew worked with Nikita closely. She frowned lightly moving further into the lounge allowing her to see who was beneath him.

A girl a few years Alyssa's junior was pinned to the floor, his hands wrapped around her wrists holding her to the floor, her mascara had smeared across her face, her cheek bruised and her lip split, her left eye beginning to turn a deep shade of blue. She was crying, her chest struggling to rise under the weight of Alexsei.

"Get off of her" Alyssa spoke sternly, Alexsei laughed lightly, shaking his head as he turned back to the woman.

"Tell her. Tell her what fun we are having" His voice was harsh as he stared at the woman, She glanced from Alyssa towards Alexsei before nodding quickly.

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