Fifteen [Fraternisation]

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"Captain, you, Lieutenant Riley and Sargent Sanderson will take the compound, it doesn't appear to be heavily armoured so three of you should be more than enough. meat, Royce and Chemo will hang back in case you need support" Admiral Dixon spoke, the admiral stood Infront of the six men in the old warehouse they were using as a base for this mission. Mactavish nodded standing listening to the orders.

"And Sargent Johnson?" The Scotsman questioned looking over towards the medic, she sat around the makeshift base, her heavy boots gently resting on the wooden table as she tapped a pen against her leg, the Admiral looked over towards his daughter before returning his attention to the captain.

"Your medic will stay here with me; we will provide overwatch via the drones. Like I said it shouldn't take more than the three of you" Mactavish looked over towards Queenie, he watched her carefully, she stared into space gently tapping the pen against her camo trousers.

"Sir? With respect I think Johnson should come into the field-" Mactavish began, he came to realise he would much rather have the medic at his side the ensure she was safe than hidden in the warehouse with an admiral who probably had no idea how to handle combat on dry land.

"Negative captain, the medic will stay, and we shall provide overwatch." He nodded towards the captain before turning towards the medic.

"Johnson set yourself up on the computers you will be their eyes from the sky" Alyssa snapped out of her daydream nodding towards her father, she moved quickly over towards the computers and began setting them up.

"Alright team gear up" Mactavish ordered, the team began prepping for the mission, checking over weapons and gear before placing it on their bodies.

Roach and Ghost laughed as they chatted, the captain preparing his own weapon, he glanced over towards the medic once more wondering how she felt about being left behind on the mission. It unsettled him.

"Queenie a word" Mactavish spoke as he moved towards the door, the admiral watched as his youngest daughter stood following the captain away from view and into an empty corridor.

"I know you're not probably happy about staying here" the captain Began, Queenie let out a small chuckle looking up at the captain.

"That's an understatement" she spoke quietly, Mactavish chuckled, a small smirk spreading across his face as he looked at the smaller girl. She didn't admit the reason she wasn't happy was because she was worried, ghost and roach had become her friends while at camp the idea of one of them getting injured turned her stomach, but the idea of the captain getting injured sent it plummeting through the floor into the earth's crust.

"Just... be safe" a ghost of a smile crossing his lips. She chuckled lightly, leaning her head back against the wall behind her.

"You too captain" she spoke softly, they stared at each other for a few more moments, ignoring everything else happening around them. The medic felt like she became lost in the captain's icy gaze, she confirmed in that moment she would happily stare into his eyes for eternity, her fingers gently dipped into the pockets at the front of his trousers pulling him closer.

He smirked as his hands caught himself on the wall, encasing her against him, he dropped his head slightly their lips barely inches from each other.

The admiral cleared his throat pulling the two from the moment, he stood by the door with a furious look on his face as Mactavish pulled away lowering his arms.

"Captain, you leave immediately." the admiral spoke sternly.

Mactavish nodded quickly apologising to the admiral before disappearing towards ghost and roach. The admiral turned to say something to his daughter, but she simply moved past him returning towards the computers.

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