Nine [F.L.G]

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"What can you gimme for this headache?"

Ghost mumbled his words as his head hung between his shoulders, a steaming mug of coffee nursed between his hands, his voice horse and gruff from the previous night's singing.

"a gun? But there's a queue. You'll have to join right behind meat, Roach, ozone, and Royce" Queenie lifted her head slightly with a pained chuckle, the fluorescent lights of the mess hall blinding her, she groaned loudly dropping her head and tightly closing her eyes once more.

"I'm. Never. Drinking. Again" roach mumbled, slowly using his fork to push the small amount of food around his tray before finally pushing the tray away from him completely, his head dropping into his arms against the table. Ghost let out a small laugh before groaning again.

"You said that last time." Roach shot him a small look before closing his eyes once more, Alyssa sighed heavily, her thoughts racing with the previous night's events.

She had kissed the captain.

Her stomach turned and knotted as she thought of how quickly he'd moved away from her, as if she was acid to his lips.

She was a mistake.

"Alright lads" Archers voice loudly rang through the mess hall, the rather chipper elder sniper let his tray fall heavily onto the table, the noise bounced from the walls earning groans from the men surrounding him.

"Do you have to be so pissing loud" ghost snapped, he glanced up at the sniper spotting the captain behind him with a smug shit eating grin on his face. if ghost had the energy to argue with the captain he would have, but as his head thumped against his skull and his vision slightly hazy, he would rather take another bullet than speak any longer.

Mactavish looked at each of the men, Ghost hid behind his mask as usual, dark sunglasses covering his eyes from the bright lights of the hall. Roach rested his head in his arms, if it wasn't for the low mumbling coming from the sergeant each time, he was asked a question Mactavish would have thought he was asleep.

His eyes finally landed on the medic, her eyes darted away from him, gazing at the table in front of her instead. He cleared his throat quickly sitting next to the sniper.

He could see the medic out the corner of his eye, he saw her glance at him as he tried to listen to the sniper's early morning chatter, but his mind was elsewhere. She rested her head in her hands a heavy sigh leaving her lips.

He could still feel her lips on his, feel her legs wrapped around his waist, the way her skin felt under his. She had plagued his thoughts all night, he had been restless all night, every time he'd managed to drift off the medic had invaded his dreams, luring him in.

"I'll be in my office. Ya knows if any of you do something stupid" the medic mumbled quickly disappearing from the mess hall.

Sergeant Gary 'Roach' Sanderson, Born Cheltenham England. Father Benjamin Sanderson [Porter] Mother Audrey Sanderson née Bramley [Cleaner] Two older brothers, Mark Sanderson [Engineer] & Daniel Sanderson [Graphic Designer]. Joined the British Army at 17, Struggled in Basic training but pulled through and surpassed expectations. Served Six Tours in Iraq and Afghanistan before applying for 22nd SAS regiment. Recruited into 141 for operation KINGFISH by Captain Mactavish & Captain Price.

Physically Sanderson is healthy and fit. He surpasses all tests presented with ease. Sanderson suffers from Dyslexia and can struggle with written reports, Family History of depression and BPD however Sanderson currently shows no symptoms. Sanderson has a history of PTSD episodes, medicated for a short period of time however therapists stopped medication after He made progress with therapy sessions. Continue to monitor Sanderson for symptoms regarding BPD and depression or Manic episodes.

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