Forty Eight [Ghost & Roach]

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"Lieutenant Riley... How would you describe your relationship with general shepherd?"

John sat watching Sian, a fresh expensive pant suit coving her as she moved across the courtroom, her heels slowly clicking with every purposeful step she took.

He watched as Simon inhaled deeply through his nose, shifting in his seat slightly, his eyes glancing around the courtroom. He pulled at his trousers lightly as he settled back into his seat.

John couldn't pull his eyes from his friend, he still seemed to find it impossible that both he and roach had survived, Jones' had told John that he was unable to see his friends till after the trial, insisting that because they were witnesses both he and price had to keep their distances.

John had been itching to speak to them both, to know what happened, how they survived, he watched the lieutenant as he fiddled with the sleeves of his crisp white shirt, he could see the ink peaking out by his wrists and by the collar of his shirt, Sian had told him that Simon had decided on Tattoos to cover the scaring.

"He was in charge of the task force, so my boss" Simon spoke after clearing his throat. Sian nodded slightly, turning, and moving across the courtroom again.

"And he was the one who task you and Sergeant Sanderson the mission to Georgia?" Sian questioned; Simon lent forward again speaking into the microphone.

"yes" Simon spoke, his eyes briefly left Sian's frame for a moment, he glanced over towards his two captains, John's jaw tightened slightly as he offered the lieutenant a small smile.

"and would you say you had a good working relationship with the general?" Sian questioned, Simon thought for a moment, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"Yeah... I mean I wouldn't have considered us friends or anything, but he was a good boss" Simon shrugged slightly, John's gaze met Price's a small scoff leaving his lips at the lieutenants words.

"Now, lieutenant riley, if you would please in your own words, would you tell the court what happened that day?" Sian spoke, she turned facing Simon, His jaw tightened, his body tensing as he shifted in his seat once again.

"Its alright... take your time" she reassured him nodding slightly, Simon stared at her for a moment, blinking slowly as he sat forward running his hand over his face.


That was the last thing he could remember.

He had heard the gunshot.

Felt the pain rip through his side.

Then he couldn't remember anything.

The next thing he knew he felt the flames, the heat pulling him violently back to reality as flames licked their way up his left side.

He felt like his body was made of iron, his mind screaming at him to get up, pushing him to get up. His body didn't listen to his mind for a few moments.

Come on Simon.

Get up!

His body surged with adrenaline, coursing through his veins as his legs began to move, the fabric of his trousers melting with the flesh, every movement was agonising, he yelled, his body straining as he climbed onto his knees, His fingers dug into the mug.

Another roar as he lifted his leg.

Steadying himself on his foot.

His gaze landed on Roach.

The sergeant still out cold, flames dancing across his clothes, swallowing him in a fiery blaze with no regard to his life, Ghost focused, his eyes staring at Roach, noticing the shallow rise and fall of his chest despite the heat surrounding him.

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