Seventeen [Brave]

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Boredom was getting the better of her.

Two weeks she had been benched and she was no closer to finding the mole, she didn't expect it to be an easy job however there is usually a trail of breadcrumbs, something no matter how tiny, however it seemed everyone on base was clean.

She Sighed heavily walking into the Rec room, she had just finished her second training session of the day, fresh from the shower and ready to melt in front of the tv with nothing else to do while the team was away, they had left the previous day, it wasn't so bad when she had roach or meat to entertain herself with a few games of pool, but with the whole team away saving shepherd she couldn't find much entertainment.

The smell that greeted her caused her to gag, dishes littered the sink and the kitchen counter, empty wrappers and half eaten food strewn across the room, countless empty cans and empty bottles littered on every surface.

"Fucking men" she scoffed, she walked over to the small speaker plugging her phone into it, playing her favourite playlist as she set about to clean and re arrange the Rec room to waste a few hours.

Soap groaned lightly, one of his arms holding his waist the other resting on the wall outside the barracks. he groaned using what little strength he had to pull the heavy metal door open, he struggled to straighten himself out, the pain that ripped through his abdomen as he stood straight became an exasperated groan.

The sound of a hoover filled his ears, he frowned slightly, he had hoped everyone would be away on the mission allowing for him to recover fully. He limped towards the Rec room where light was pooling from the open door.

He lent against the doorway watching as the medic hoovered the musty old rug, an oversized t-shirt thrown over the back of the old sofa, which had moved from the far wall to the Centre of the room, her hair thrown up into a messy bun, clad only in sports bra and gym trousers. She huffed turning off the hoover, wiping the sweat from her brow on her arm.

She turned noticing the large captain lent against the door frame, she let out a small scream stumbling back slightly, she gripped her chest at the sudden fright the captain gave her.

"Fucking hell. I'm going to have to put a bell on you or something keep scaring me" she gasped, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she glanced back up at the captain. Mactavish stood straighter, his arm instinctively falling across the wound on his waist. His eyebrows pulled together briefly; the pain written across his face, but a small chuckle still left his lips.

"I didn't know you were coming back" she spoke turning the music off, her voice low as she watched the captain, he struggled to relax again the pain coursing through him.

"Yeah, I was gunna try and get some sleep, but someone decided to redecorate" he chuckled. Alyssa had lost track of time as she cleaned the rec room, the once dirty room now gleaming.

"Sorry" she spoke softly, straightening the rug in front of the sofa, dragging the coffee table in front of it. she moved slightly towards the captain, he took a deep breath before he tried to walk into the room, he stumbled slightly the pain too much to bare.

"Whoa!" Queenie exclaimed rushing forward to help the captain, he tried to brush her off but her arm wound its way around his back, her head ducking under his arm to provide the much needed support.

"I'm fine" he spoke as she began leading him over towards the sofa, she gently helped him to sit down on the soft, he lent back trying to relax into the seat.

"Bullshit. Drop the tough man act, your injured" she spoke moving round towards the kitchen, she flicked the kettle boiling the water, she reached for two mugs that now sparkles thanks to her scrubbing.

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