Twenty Eight [The Gulag]

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"Thirty seconds."

Alyssa's voice rang through coms, Mactavish sat next to Roach, his sniper pressed against his shoulder as the birds flew towards the gulag.

His legs swung gently as he glanced towards the sergeant, roach offered him a small nod before they both watched forward as the gulag came Into view.

Alyssa covered her eyes slightly as two F-15's destroyed a radio tower kicking up snow and dirt into their flight paths, she glanced towards ghost, the lieutenant wiping the dirt from his uniform before glancing towards the two agents sat behind them.

"You wanna watch your self brooks, mactavish has been known to have bad aim" he chuckled lightly bumping Alyssa's shoulder. The agent chuckled lightly shaking her head.

"All snipers, standby to engage" Mactavish spoke through coms before he lifted his gun aiming down the sight, Roach copies the captains movements as the bird stabilised hovering in the air allowing the snipers to take the shot.

"Clear to engage" Alyssa ordered firing her gun hitting an enemy in the head. She watched as all the enemies on the towers fell one by one. The snipers working in unison to take out guards posted around the gulag.

"Shift right" she ordered, the birds flew in sync as they moved around the gulag allowing the teams to easily kill any hostiles.

"I see four hostiles on the next tower" Mactavish commented, Alyssa shifted her gaze slightly spotting the tower the captain was talking about, her and the captain working like a well oiled machine eliminating the hostiles,

She glanced towards Mactavish's bird as an F-15 flew too close to the captains bird knocking it slightly. She watched as the bird shook, Mactavish's arm gripping onto a handle at the side. Steadying himself as his other arm flew across roach's chest stopping the sergeant from falling out.

"Shepherd! Get those fighters to cease fire immediately! That was too close!" Mactavish snapped through coms, Alyssa watched the bird quickly stabilise itself. Recovering once more and taking its place behind her own.

"I'll try to buy you some time. One man in a gulag doesn't mean much to the Navy at this point." Shepherd replied over coms, Alyssa rolled her eyes slightly.

"The admiral knows this prisoner is top priority shepherd" Alyssa's voice followed, knowing she outranked shepherd, ghost could practically see him now, sat at his desk seething.

"Bloody Yanks! I thought they were the good guys!" Ghost replied with a shake of his head., Alyssa chuckled at the lieutenants words, Sam watched the girl, the bright smile that spread across her face as the captains voice rang through coms infuriated him.

"Ghost cut the chatter. Stay frosty." Mactavish ordered, the birds began to descend onto the gulag, Alpha team landed first with a heavy thud, the team de ending from the chopper quickly finding cover behind a wall.

Mactavish jogged up taking a spot beside the agent. They exchanged a quick glance and a small smile.

"Be safe captain" the agent spoke, Mactavish watched her a small smile pulling at his lips as he nodded gently.

"Always. And you Queenie" he chuckled lightly at the roll of her eyes as she poked herself out from behind the wall, expertly firing killing the hostiles with a single bullet to the skull.

Mactavish found an opening, lifting his own head providing cover for the agent as she reloaded.

"Since when did you become a good shot?" Ghosts voice mumbled through coms, the lieutenant focusing on his own wave of hostiles as he spoke.

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