Forty Five [Viva La Vida]

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John rushed through the doors of the hospital.

He shoved his large frame through the crowds of people towards the reception. He moved like a battering ram, people noticed his hunking frame as he moved, quickly side stepping to avoid the large man barrelling through them. He was still dirtied, he stunk of stale sweat and gunpowder, dirt and blood coated his hands as he rested them on the desk tapping them impatiently, His jaw wound tight as the receptionists ignored him, continuing her conversation with her co-worker sat next to her. John hit the desk a little too hard in a bid to desperately get her attention.

"Yes?" the older receptionist looked at him over the brim of her glasses, she was unimpressed as she watched him. Her hair was styled in a way that reminded John of someone who thought they were more important than they were, her eyebrows pulled together lightly at the sight of the man, dried blood stuck to his stinking hands as they rested on the desk, she raised her eyebrows, ushering him to speak quickly as she clearly had far more important things to be doing.

"I need to know what ward Alyssa Dixon is on" His voice was rushed as he spoke, the receptionist sighed heavily, acrylic nails tapping the keyboard, she hummed to herself as she lent into the screen, John tried to lean over the top of the counter in a vain attempt to see her screen, he lent back when he couldn't see anything his eyes darting around the foyer of the hospital, scanning everyone as they moved around.

"she's in a private room in yellow ward-"she began before John cut her of tapping the desk.

"Thank you" he rushed, throwing himself from the counter and further into the foyer.

The receptionist scoffed to herself, rolling her eyes and shaking her head before returning to her conversation at the man as he quickly ran towards the large double doors.

John's boots pounded on the ground as his eyes scanned the walls, searching every board for directions towards yellow ward. His equipment shifted as he moved, his empty holster bouncing against his thigh as he moved quickly.

His heart pounded in his chest.

His stomach in his throat as he skidded around a corner, slipping slightly, his hand flew to a rail gripping it tightly catching himself, his legs began moving quickly once again.

He wondered how she was here, how she got to St George's, she couldn't have been dead when he left, he wondered if she would hate him for leaving her there, leaving her alone in Russia. He hated himself, he had thought about it every night since he had left, it plagued him.

He reached a set of bright yellow doors, YELLOW WARD written boldly above them.

He paused.

Frozen to the spot as his heart pounded in his chest.

His eyebrows creased as he composed himself. Nodding silently to himself.

Bracing both hand on the door, He pushed them open walking quickly towards the large desk that sat to the left of the entrance of the ward.

The room was decorated brightly, yellow daffodils plastered across the walls, a small seating area with various magazines and children's toys littered around, a man sat with his head in his hands, he sniffled heavily.

"hello" A small voice called, Soap's eyebrows knitted together as his gaze lowered, a small girl no older than six stood next to him, she had dark brown hair with matching chocolate eyes, she stared up at the soldier with wide eyes.

"are you sick too?" she questioned, she held her hands together as she swayed lightly from side to side. John's eyebrows pulled together slightly.

"no my wife...she's sick...I came to see her" He smiled lightly, the girl nodded seeming to understand the captains words, she continued twirling lightly on the spot as she examined the tall man in front of her, his eyes darting around.

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