Thirteen [Be Safe]

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"Dixon. Any progress?" Jones stern voice rang through the phone, Alyssa sat in her office, the high afternoon sun providing a comforting warmth.

"Nothing yet sir" she replied, she absentmindedly twirled a pen around in her fingers. Her thoughts lost to the captain. She had ran back to her room after their encounter in the shower room, allowing him to consume her thoughts, allowing herself to get lost in the memory of his arms around her.

She felt a terrible sinking feeling, deep within the pit of her stomach as her mind replayed her moments in the shower with the captain. It had been well over 5 months since she had broken up with Sam. She had distracted herself from her heartache with allowing herself to forget she was Alyssa and believing she was Emily Johnson. The occasional calls from Jones violently pulled her back into a crushing reality. Soon enough her mission would be over, she would discover the mole and be sent back to her reality, leaving the world of the 141 behind in silence.

"Very well, keep me updated on any developments" he stated, he let out a heavy sigh before ending the phone call.

Alyssa sighed heavily, dropping her head to her hands, the idea of returning to her house, her possessions had at the start of the mission, been the only comfort she had, however now, the idea of returning to London, to her house, it turned her stomach, knowing she would have to face Sam every day at work rather than forget he was ever born.

Three loud knocks echoed through the silent office, Alyssa quickly lifted her head, her fingers running through her lose her.

"Come in!" She called, the captain moved into the silent office, his green camo trousers hugging his well-toned legs, a black undershirt straining against his perfect torso, like it was a size to small, the curve of his back as he turned to face her. His face softened slightly seeing her expression, tears in her eyes threatening to spill over and cascade down her cheeks.

"Are you okay?" He asked trying to not sound overly concerned, she nodded quickly, wiping her nose on the back of her hand before clasping them Infront of her on the desk.

"How can I help?" She forced a smile, Mactavish stood in silence for a moment, her hair slightly messy, he knew she had probably been running her fingers through it out of frustration judging by the sadness on her face, a sadness he couldn't quite understand.

"Ghost, Roach and I are leaving in an hour to gather the Intel we need on Sidero. Shouldn't be gone long" he spoke, she watched as he moved round standing in-front of her desk, his arms folded over his chest as he relaxed barring more weight on one side.

"I take it I'm not needed?" She questioned lightly; the captain chuckled slightly.

"No, not this time. Like I said if everything goes to plan it shouldn't take longer than an hour" she nodded once again watching as the captain nodded curtly before turning to leave.

"Be safe" the words fell from her mouth before she had a chance to stop them, the captain paused at the door for a moment his hand hovered over the handle, a small smile spread across his lips as he glanced over his shoulder.

"You to sergeant" he simply replied before leaving the office without another word.

She stood at the landing pad watching as the bird took off, the wind whipping her hair around wildly, the captain sat by the door, watching her as she and the ground slowly disappeared.

Alyssa watched the large helicopter slowly turn to a tiny dot in the sky disappearing from view, she sighed lightly before turning and walking towards the barracks.

Regardless of her feelings for the captain, whatever they were she still wasn't quite so sure, she had to prove he wasn't the mole. The thought of finishing her mission and returning home made her stomach churn once again in an uncomfortable way.

Beautiful Lie [John 'Soap' Mactavish]Where stories live. Discover now