Twenty [The Russian Ace]

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Alyssa looked over herself once more in the mirror.

The well decorated hotel room, a cold reminder of her reality, she stared at herself in the mirror, loose curls framing her face, dark Smokey eye shadow accentuating her emerald eyes, a bright blood red lipstick coating her lips matching the knee length figure hugging dress she wore, black stilettos and a matching clutch bag to complete the look.

She smoothed out her dress, her hands running along the fabric as she examined herself closely, her tired eyes hidden by layers of concealer. She pressed the small coms device, burying it within her ear.

Her hands shook slightly, nerves getting the better of her as it drew closer to the hour she would see Nikita again, her stomach churned at the thought, the thought of seeing him, of him blowing her cover. She stared at her reflection, silently begging herself to hold it together, to focus on the mission in hand. Her heart race quickened, pounding against her rib cage as she stared, the room seemed to shrink, closing in around her leaving her in darkness with nothing but her reflection staring back at her.

She saw Turgenev appear in the reflection behind her, walking slowly, dragging his fingertips along her shoulder. She watched her reflection as her eyes closed dropping back against Turgenev's shoulder as he came to a stop behind her, he dropped his lips to her exposed shoulder, leaving a long trail of soft kisses along her skin.

Her stomach turned violently, twisting and knotting in an ungodly manner, Alyssa retched, her hand flying to her mouth as she desperately tried to push it back releasing the anxiety from within her. In an instant she was clinging to the toilet, the contents from her stomach pouring out into it.

She groaned loudly as three loud knocks echoed through the room. She ran the back of her hand over her mouth. She stood rinsing her mouth quickly grabbing her toothbrush to remove the god-awful taste in her mouth. She slowly made her way through the hotel room, scrubbing at her teeth as she did so. As she opened the door, she saw Captain Mactavish stood on the other side pulling her back into her fantasy with welcome arms.

His breath caught in his throat as he drank in her appearance, his eyes ran over her frame countless times taking in every small detail, a small scar on her collarbone, dark eyeshadow making her eyes glow like beacons guiding him home, blood red lipstick that he wanted to kiss from her lips, every tiny crease or crinkle in her dress that hugged her frame perfectly, the small mole he'd never noticed under her left knee, a tiny butterfly tattoo on her ankle.

She rolled her head shaking her head lightly making her way back through to the bathroom, she spit the contents of her mouth into the sink before rinsing it, John carefully stepped into her room closing the door behind him, noting the small bag abandoned on her bed, its contents spread across the room. The TV playing the news gently in the background.

"You scrub up well captain" she commented walking back from the bathroom, the captain sat on the edge of her bed, clad in a tight white button up shirt that disappeared into black jeans. Tanned timberland boots warming his feet, his aftershave invaded her senses, intoxicating her to his presence, she would drown in it if he allowed her, his jaw was clean shaved, hair neatly styled.

"I could say the same about you" he mumbled as she stepped closer to him, she stood between his legs, his hands resting on her hips as hers gently rested on his shoulder gently playing with the small amount of hair at the base of his mohawk. A smirk played on his lips as he watched her, his gaze briefly dropping down to where his hands rested before returning to her face.

"Ya know this isn't how I imagined having you in a hotel room... being at work kinda ruins the fun" he smirked, Alyssa let out a chuckle through her nose. She hummed lightly as the captain pulled her towards him, she stumbled slightly catching herself on the bed straddling the captain.

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