Five [Murder Shower]

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"Miss you "      

His voice was soft as he spoke, Alyssa could tell he was tired, the deep tone of his voice he was clearly on the verge of falling asleep, it pulled at her heart strings, she wanted nothing more than to be home with Sam and cuddle up with him. She sat slowly on the edge of her cot; she rubbed her bloodied hands across her forehead hoping to relieve some tension.

"i miss you too." She spoke as she held her head in one of her hands, a heavy sigh leaving her lips, she heard Sam hum gently down the phone, she knew she shouldn't have phoned him, knowing that it could blow her cover if someone were to hear, But the home sickness made it all to much, she was sure it would be easier to lie to the team about who she was talking to, make up that she had a boyfriend back home waiting for her.

"I just can't wait to come home to you" she mumbled quietly, he chuckled lightly down the phone, like music to her ears the noise seemed to lift her spirts greatly. She felt home sick, everything made her want to pull out of the mission. To go back to the safety of her house, wrap herself safely in Sam's arms and snuggle under the covers never to see the light of day again.

"I can't wait for you to come home too baby, I swear its going to be the longest few months of my life, not being able to speak to you every day" a small giggle escaped his lips, Alyssa's eyebrows furrowed slightly before a hum left her lips.

"What have you been up to? Tell me all about civilian life" she chuckled laying back on her bed staring at the plain ceiling, a singular light dangling with a boring plain lampshade.

"Ah... you know same old same old... nothing changes but the weather" he chuckled lightly; Alyssa's frown grew once more.

"well how's-"she began but was quickly cut off

"Look babe... I've got to go I've got Jones on the phone... ill er speak to you whenever" Sam quickly spoke, Alyssa sat up resting on her elbow. Deflated by her boyfriends sudden need to go, Jones could have timed his call a little better. She sighed heavily falling back onto her back once more.

"Alright... I'll try and phone you again soon. I love you" she mumbled down the phone.

"Yeah, you too bye"

With that the line went dead, Alyssa sighed heavily glancing at her phone screen, a picture of her and Sam sat proudly on the lock screen, his arm wrapped tightly around her, they had taken it when they were in the Bahamas. She had always wanted to swim with sharks and for her birthday Sam had treated her to an all-inclusive holiday, ocean front beach house to stay and private sessions swimming with wild lemon sharks. Alyssa had the cheesiest grin on her face as she smiled at the camera, she had begged the boat driver to take the picture and he had agreed for a small price.

Her phone vibrated against her chest, a wide smile pulling at her lips hoping Jones had gotten off the phone to Sam and he had called her back but once she looked at the caller ID, she felt the wave of confusion rush over her.

"hello" she spoke quietly into the phone.

"Any updates?" Jones voice rang through her phone. She pushed herself up once again sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Nothing yet sir" she spoke, pushing herself up from her bed, moving over with tired feet towards her desk.

"Well. Keep me updated" again the phone call abruptly ended, she nodded to herself sliding her phone back into her pocket as three loud knocks rang through the room.

"its open" she called to whoever was waiting on the other side, she lazily leant against her desk wanting to take the pressure from her aching feet for even a moments rest. Riley getting injured had landed her a mountain of paperwork to complete along with statements on what happed and how, follow ups and regular wound care.

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