Two [Sergeant Emily Johnson]

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"So..The FNG?"

Captain Mactavish sat behind his large wooden desk, His heavy boots had long been discarded to one side, his feet resting heavily on top of a mountain of paperwork he was yet to complete. His tired blue eyes watched Sanderson who stood by an empty chair. Sanderson sighed dropping his head between his shoulders with a gentle shake as he thought back to the girl he had managed to forget and avoid most of the afternoon.

Captain Mactavish was a tall well-built man, a thick chest and thick arms that always seemed constricted by his t-shirt. His crystal blue eyes, the left sporting a large scar running from his eyebrow down to the middle of his cheek, were in desperate need of a rest, they burned as he watched the Sergeant, His less than regulatory Dark Mohawk a flat mess from the countless times he had run his fingers through it while away. The captain craved his bed, he longed to slip under the blanket onto the less than comfortable mattress and simply slip into a peaceful sleep.

"Well, she's got an attitude I can tell you that much" Sanderson began, a small chuckle leaving his lips as he glanced towards Riley, the lieutenant sat in the chair next to the one Sanderson was leaning on, one leg resting on the others knee as he idly flicked through a file. He was looking at the pages, but the Sergeant could tell he wasn't interesting in whatever the file contained, he was listening to what he had to say concerning the new medic.

Riley too was tall, the tallest of the group, messy Brown hair matched with equally tired brown eyes, he too was well built, a broad chest accompanied by thick arms and legs, the trio finding out quickly there wasn't a lot more to do at Credenhill other than work out, the lieutenants face littered with small scars, barely visible unless someone were to really look.

"Attitude?" the captain questioned, he shared a quick amused glance with Riley, both still dirty and tired from the mission they had just returned from. Riley offered him a cocky smile before returning his attention towards the file he had little interest in. Sanderson moved around the chair, sitting down with a heavy sigh, he relaxed back into the thin fabric his legs spread as he returned his gaze towards the captain.

"I told her that an FNG might as well have a target on their back, and she asked me if I was threatening her! me?!" Sanderson chuckled in disbelief shaking his head, Riley scoffed lightly moving forward to place the file back on the captain's desk. 

"Then she asked if we were all dicks or if it was just me? I barely said anything to her other than what she needed to know" Sanderson defended, Riley's eyebrows raised slightly at the Sergeants words.

"She thought you were a dick? well, she will have a shock when she meets me" Riley chuckled lightly, the lieutenant glanced towards the captain. Mactavish seemed deep in thought as he ran his dirty hand over his face, running it along his jaw slowly.

"she's posh as fuck too, you'll sound like some common muck next to her" Roach nodded towards Riley laughing lightly. The sergeant could picture the new medic talking to the Lieutenant, his thick Manchester accent harsh against her well-spoken voice. He wondered if she would even be able to understand the captain, sometimes when his Scottish accent was especially thick in the middle of a battle, Sanderson would find himself struggling to understand his friend.

"And the others... how did they take to her?" Mactavish finally spoke, he rested his hands lazily behind his head relaxing into the leather of his chair, a welcome comfort after spending hours crouched over, looking through a sniper scope.

"I told her to come to the rec room to meet the others, but she didn't seem bothered, she's been in her room all day" Sanderson replied, He had told the new medic to come to the rec room and he would introduce her to the other men, she had agreed but disappeared into her room and the sergeant hadn't heard from her since, he had thought about knocking on her door once or twice, offering her a drink or some chow but he had quickly talked himself out of it reminding himself of their not so pleasant first encounter.

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