Fifty [Say You Wont Let Go]

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The day had gone in a blur.

A quickly moving stream of event where Alyssa couldn't distinguish one moment from the next.

Alyssa couldn't quite remember it.

It all came in flashes.

First, she remembered John sitting almost bolt upright, chest rising and falling quickly, eyes wide as they fell on her frame, she couldn't make out the words he was saying, a persistent ringing in her ear as her head pounded, his hands taking her face carefully in his grasp, eyes scanning her face, drinking in every detail as his thumb carefully caressed her cheek.

His touch was gone as quickly as it had come, then he was at the door, her eyebrows creased as she could see him calling for someone, his eyebrows furrowed as he waved quickly, before in an instant he was back at her side, stroking the side of her head, his lips pressed to her temple, he mumbled something, she could feel the vibration of his words but couldn't make out what he was saying as he stared at her.

The next the she remembered was the doctors rushing in, moving John away from her, her hand weakly reaching for him as he was escorted out of the door, his gaze never leaving her as she watched him leave again.

Unknown doctors and nurses surrounded her quickly.

A bright light shinning in her eyes.

Blood being drawn.

Her eyes adjusted from the light, watching a the nurses wheeled in a screen, her eyebrows pulled together slightly, she still couldn't quite hear, voice's muffled as they spoke to her, she watched as they carefully lifted her shirt, exposing her stomach, her gaze quickly moved back towards the door, a nurse allowing John back into the room.

His gaze settled on her as he slowly dragged the chair closer to her bed, sitting down taking her hand, He spoke once again but the words couldn't quite reach her yet, she felt the vibrations, his voice rumbled deep with in her, a comforting warmth wrapped itself around her as he took her hand, carefully pressing his lips to her knuckles.

The coldness of the liquid being put on her stomach hit her next, her gaze snapping down watching as the nurse shifted on her stool slightly, running a strange thing over the gel across Alyssa's stomach. Her gaze darted between the nurse and John, His gaze focused solely on Alyssa before they shifted to the screen.

Alyssa's eyebrows pulled together slightly as tears filled his eyes, His grip on her hand tightened, he shifted in the seat slightly as he ran his free hand over his mouth. Alyssa's frowned deepened.

Her gaze finally settling on the screen in confusion.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she watched the screen.

She squinted slightly.

A small grainy picture of a baby filled the screen.

Alyssa's gaze shot back to John with wide unbelieving eyes.

She glanced back to the screen.

Back to John.

And then down to her stomach.

Tears flooded her eyes, spilling and rolling freely down her cheeks, her head fell back against the pillow as sobs racked through her body. The nurse silently wiped the gel from Alyssa stomach.

John ran his fingers through her hair, pressing his lips to her forehead.

"Lis?" He questioned, his own tears spilling down his cheeks.

"I'm... Pregnant?" she questioned, she watched John as a small smile broke across his lips, He nodded gently.

A smile broke across Alyssa's lips, laughing despite the tears rolling down her cheeks, her arms wrapping around John.

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