Ten [Brutality]

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"This is the HVT"

The team sat around a large square made up of five tables, the medic sat between the sergeant and lieutenant, the captain opposite, a notebook in front of him as he wrote a few notes. Ghost lent back in his plastic chair, rocking it slightly as he placed his feet lazily in the table.

Shepherd flicked the slide allowing the team to see a photo of a man. Alyssa's stomach dropped. It was one of Makarov's arms dealers. He had dark skin, sunken eyes with a lifeless shine, dark thinning hair and a thick beard, his aged skin held a large scar across the left side of his face reaching from his chin to the bridge of his nose. A scar she had given him herself.

"Adrian Ubel... Small arms dealer. our Intel suggests that he's been supplying weapons to a Nikita Turgenev." Shepherd spoke, Alyssa's ears rang, the blood draining from her face at his name. Panic coursed through her veins at the thought she would face Turgenev. He would recognise her; her cover would be blown within the 141 and her mission failed.

"So, we go in a kill the bastard?" Ghost questioned, Mactavish gave a small chuckle before his eyes landed on the medic, her gaze intently focused on the screens before them.

"no... we need a location on Turgenev. take him alive and question him" Shepherd spoke, his voice stern and monotone as he looked around the room at each of the team. Alyssa began quickly trying to think of a way to cover for herself, maybe she would get injured in the next hour and be relieved of duty for a while.

"And if he doesn't talk?" Roach questioned flicking his gaze from the information in front of him to shepherd, Shepherd cocked an eyebrow slightly smirking.

"Captain? ensure he talks" Shepherd nodded towards Mactavish who nodded in return.

She licked her lips in anticipation.

she held her Rifle against her chest as they waited for the captains' orders. Ghost inhaled deeply through his nose letting out a quiet laugh.

"Oh, I've missed this" he finally spoke, he lent his head back against the car they were taking cover behind. Alyssa turned her attention towards the Lieutenant, chuckling slightly as he took the small piece of gum from his mouth throwing it on the floor before pulling his mask down over his mouth.

"Just don't get shot again yeah?" she chuckled lightly. Ghost smirked under the mask glancing towards Queenie.

"Fingers crossed they mistake you for me" he Teased. Alyssa straightened the black mask that covered her face, only her eyes visible, she chuckled lightly, thankful the men had believed her excuse of 'wanting to save her skin from the sun', it had earned her some light-hearted teasing, but her cover was safe for now.

"Ghost. Queenie. get ready to move up" Mactavish ordered through coms, the pair nodded to each other checking over their weapons before moving forward to seek cover beside a house. Ghost poked his head round the corner watching as Mactavish and Roach silently moved forward seeking cover opposite them, Mactavish looked across towards Ghost giving him and Okay sign with his fingers, Ghost returned with a simple thumbs up before turning back to Queenie.

"Building looks quiet, shouldn't be too hard for the four of us to take it." Ghost spoke, Queenie nodded in return, Queenie looked over to where Mactavish seemed to be having the same conversation with Roach, The young Sargent watched through his sight nodding gently every so often.

She couldn't help but admire how the early morning sun caught the captains features in just the right way, the warm orange glow complimenting his skin perfectly casting a blinding glow from his naturally high cheek bones, his Mohawk neat and styled as the gentle breeze moved a few strands of hair. she quickly pulled her attention from the captain towards the mission in hand.

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