Twenty Nine [Her?]

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Price stood with his arms folded across his chest. He relaxed back against the stone wall watching the agent as she stood speaking to shepherd, her arm still wrapped securely around her mid section, hair now messy as she rested her assault rifle against her leg.

Soap let out a small chuckle glancing over towards his captain. Each holding a cigar gently smoking it.

Price had missed cigars, he would say more than anything else, his head fell back against the stone wall, as the smoke filled his lungs, he was tired, he stunk, he knew this, he wanted nothing more than a shower, to scrub the tears of dirt and grime from his body before filling his empty stomach with warm comforting food.

"Aye. Her" soap chuckled lightly returning his attention towards the girl. They watched as the wind gently blew her now loose hair which had grown since soap had last seen her.  She winced slightly as shepherd patted her shoulder, her face contorting before quickly relaxing.

"Isn't she a bit...?" Price trailed off at the end, Mactavish took a large drag of his cigar. Side eyeing the elder captain.

"A bit what?" He questioned, Price watched the younger captain, who now sported a large scar down his left eye, his face older, eyes more sunken than the last time he had seen him.

Price remembered when soap had joined, the elder captain had seen a boy, youthful and excited for the adventures he was about to have, Price had taken Soap under his wing instantly. Having saved his life on their first mission together, soap became his unofficial second in command after Gaz's death.

Price had passed every small detail of knowledge he had into soap, he felt a wave of pride rush through him as he glanced at the captain, now a man, a man seasoned with war. He has a small glint in his eye as he watched the girl, a small smile ghosting across his lips.

"A bit posh?" Price chuckled watching the girl again, he playfully bumped his shoulder with the younger captains

"Aye. She's a bit posh" Soap chuckled. He dropped his head slightly, the thoughts that he would never be good enough for her racing through his mind once again, sams words echoed in his brain.

He knew he shouldn't let it get to him, to let his words bother him but they did. Maybe she would realise he couldn't offer her anything, he had no rich family, a fortune he could spoil her with. It worried him deep

"C'mon you should be in the med bay" Soap commented standing straighter, Price chuckled slightly shaking his head, he turned his head towards the younger captain holding up his cigar before taking a large breath of smoke. 

"I've been locked up for four years...let me enjoy the breeze" he lent his head back against the wall, inhaling deeply. Soap chuckled gripping the captains shoulder, he was silent for a moment before he spoke, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched the elder captain. 

"It's good to have you back old man" he smiled, Price smirked at the younger captain with a small chuckle. 

"It's good to be back" the pair stood in silence for a moment, simply enjoying each others presence for a few moments, Soaps eyes fell to Alyssa once more as she nodded towards shepherd curtly before moving towards where the two captains stood. 

Her head was held high despite the slight wince across her face with every step she took, the afternoon sun seemed to perfectly catch her naturally high cheek bones, making her hair shin as the breeze gently blew through the loose strands. 

"Gentlemen" she nodded towards the two captains, Mactavish's gaze dropped to his cigar with a small smile pulling at his lips before he met her gaze once more. 

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