Thirty Two [Time To Say Goodbye]

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Alyssa awoke the next morning.

The sun breaking through her thin blinds, she groaned slightly, stretching in her large silk sheets, her arms blinding searching for the captain.

As she was met with emptiness, she grumbled to herself, her hand wiping the sleep from her face as her eyes adjusted to the light. She frowned slightly as she sat up glancing to the empty space next to here where he should have been.

His clothes were gone from the bottom of the bed. She sighed dragging herself from the bed, her fingers tossing out her loose and wild hair, padding towards the door hoping she would find him in the kitchen or lounge.

Her flat was silent, Bathed in darkness.

She yawned, running her hands over her face once more stretching lightly. A hefty knock came from her door. Alyssa's eyes lit up as she rushed to the heavy wood.

As she opened it, she felt herself deflate slightly.

Sian stood at her door, she wore tight grey yoga pants and a loose hoodie, a wide smile across the red heads face as she held up two Starbuck's cups of hot steaming coffee.

"he's gone" Alyssa mumbled more to herself than to her friend, the crushing realisation the John had left without saying goodbye settling in her stomach. She moved stepping to the side allowing for her friend to enter, Sian nodded lightly, stepping into her friends flat, a small sigh leaving Sian's lips.

"I know" Sian spoke; Alyssa frowned slightly closing the door behind her friend.

"How?" Alyssa questioned watching as Sian moved through to the kitchen island placing the cups of coffee down. She carefully removed them from the cup carrier, examining the labels.

"Simon told me "She replied uncaring, she placed one cup down in front of Alyssa, a large caramel macchiato, before taking the other cup for herself, a chai tea latte.

Alyssa frowned, her eyebrows pulling together, a moment of silence passed between the friends. Confusion washed over her.

Sian had spoken to Ghost.

"Simon? you spoke to ghost?" Alyssa half laughed, taking her cup, and bringing it to her lips. Sian nodded placing her designer handbag on the seat next to her, she placed her keys and phone neatly on the counter in front of her.

"Yeah, how do you think he found out where you lived? That Simon guy rang me about two weeks ago just after you got back, and I told him. and then he rang last night to check John had made it here. And we just got talking." Sian half-heartedly shrugged. Alyssa doubled back staring at her friend with shocked eyes.

"How long has this been going on?" Alyssa chuckled leaning her fore arms on the counter, nursing the Starbuck's cup between them.

"Like... every night for two weeks" Alyssa nearly choked on her coffee, Sian rolled her eyes heavily at her friend.

"oh, shut up you." Sian grumbled, her phone lighting up, both of their eyes darting to the screen.


"What do you two even talk about? I can't imagine you two have a lot in common" Alyssa questioned. Sian's jaw tightened slightly as she watched her friend.

"Lots of things actually. Not that it's any of your concern... He's quite sweet actually" Alyssa's eyes bulged,

"Sweet?!" Alyssa countered raising an eyebrow slightly. Sian stared at her unimpressed. Her jaw winding tight once again as her hands clenched slightly.

"Yes. Sweet. Now shut up and go put some clothes on" Sian spoke shaking her head. Alyssa held her hands up defensively.

She chuckled lightly as she entered her bedroom, her smile quickly disappearing as she ran her hand over her face once more, finally her eyes settled on her bed, it stood lonely and empty at the centre of her room, the sheets still crinkled and bathed in his scent. she felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, he should be here, he should be bleary eyed cuddling her, helping her cook breakfast in the morning, spending a few more precious moments with him before they were called back to reality, and he had to leave for crendenhill.

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