Forty [Die For You]

833 31 10

"Did our man talk?"

Price sat in front of the small laptop, Alyssa stood to one side, her arms folded over her chest as she listened. Price was talking to someone called Sandman. An American Delta force agent Alyssa didn't know, John sat on the Sofa near where The conversation was happening, He was playing with a small tennis ball, tossing it in his hands before catching it but his ears trained on Price's voice.

"They always talk. We got names, dates, locations. Volk gave us everything, even Fregata." His American accent was strong as he spoke, price nodded gently running his hand over his beard. Alyssa pulled her gaze from John returning it to the laptop.

"It seems your hunch was right, Captain." Sandman continued, Alyssa had heard stories of delta force, a branch of the US army. Price had called in his help hunting this Volk. It seems they were a success in finding him, capturing him and interrogating him.

"Makarov's already making friends." Price chuckled darkly giving Alyssa a quick glance, the agent smirked slightly huffing a laugh out of her nose as she shook her head.

"He's meeting his top advisors six hours from now. Location is the Hotel Lustig. It's in the centre of the city, near the old square." Price took a red marker drawing a large circle around the building sandman was talking about, soap, Yuri and Nikolai moved to overlook over the map.

"We have Tier One groups assigned to handle this, but I don't think they'll make it in time... ...but you're close." Sandman continued; price glanced around at his small team all of whom exchanged nods between themselves.

"Very. I'll contact you when it's done." With that price ended the call, the laptop beeped before price closed it. He let out a heavy sigh standing over the intel scattered in front of him.

"Makarov's council all together in the middle of a warzone? Sounds convenient." Alyssa commented, Yuri nodded an agreement with the girl.

"Overconfidence makes you careless." John replied raising an eyebrow slightly to his lover.

Price pinned a picture of a large church tower to the table tapping it slightly once he was finished.

"We'll infiltrate along two separate routes. Soap. You and Queenie head for the church and provide overwatch. Yuri you're with me" Price ordered, the team nodded agreeing with prices orders.

"Right ready up" price nodded before his disappeared towards his room.

Alyssa stood over her small backpack a change of clothes neatly placed inside, her trusted pistol resting to the left on the bed. She had spent at least an hour, packing and unpack, folding and refolding her clothes as her mind ran wild, This was it.

Tomorrow it would be over.

Makarov would be dead.

She thought back about all this shit happening, how a simple mission developed into something bigger. How searching for a mole in the SAS had to lead her to become a war criminal, on the run with her lover and his captain.

She thought of her family, what she had missed in the last year. Had her sister had a baby? Become divorced? What about Sian? What was she up too? Alyssa sighed heavily her mind wandering as she thought of her family and friends. She clutched the t-shirt tightly, her jaw tightening as she lost herself to her thoughts.

The door clicking shut pulled her attention, the strong arms that wrapped around her waist pulling her backwards into a warm, comforting, and familiar chest. His lips gently pressed to her exposed shoulder before his chin replaced them. The tough hairs of the stubble that coated his chin pressing into her skin.

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