Fifty One [Cant Help Falling In Love With You]

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Alyssa let out a shaky breath looking at her reflection.

She soothed out the white floor length lace dress. Their baby had almost doubled in size, her bump now extremely obvious, a small smile crossing her lips as her hand ran over the growing bump, her raven hair pulled into a sleek bun, two small curls framing her face, the light makeup coving her face.

"You look beautiful darling" Peggy smiled gently placing her hands on her daughters shoulders, the smaller woman stood behind her daughter in a pastel pink dress, Alyssa chuckled lightly lifting the dress to expose her all white converse shoes.

"the shoes let me down don't they" Alyssa chuckled, Peggy smiled widely, tears flooding her eyes as she took in her babies appearance.

"mum please" Alyssa chuckled as Peggy sniffled lightly, she took a tissue from her small bag wiping her eyes in a bid not to ruin her make up.

"I know... but your my baby... my last baby" Peggy sniffled, she let out a small groan, shaking her head lightly waving her hands as she willed herself to stop crying.

"get it together Peggy" her mother mumbled to herself, the woman pulled herself together, pushing the tears away from her eyes as a wide smile broke across her lips. Her hands running down the lace covering Alyssa's arms.

"ill go see how your father is getting on" She spoke quickly practically running from the room as Alyssa shook her head with a small chuckle.

Alyssa let out a shaking breath, her gaze returning to her reflection, she noticed the added weight on her frame, her face filling out due to pregnancy, the bags under her eyes from the early morning bouts of sickness.

"Are you ready to get married?"

"Again?" Sian chuckled, she broke Alyssa's trail of thought, appearing behind her best friend in the mirror, A elegant floor length Pastel purple dress covering her frame, she held a white veil in her hands as she met Alyssa's gaze.

"Is it normal to be this nervous the second time around?" Alyssa chuckled turning to face her friend, Sian chuckled lightly placing the veil around Alyssa clipping it into her hair.

"I don't think John will run out on you after everything you've gone through together... he sat by your bedside at the hospital for long enough" Sian chuckled, Alyssa glanced down to her hands, she picked the skin around her nails with a small nod.

"I'm fat now though" Alyssa commented, Sian frowned slightly watching her friend.

"You're not fat lis, your pregnant" Sian spoke.

"you're growing a baby lis. That's... amazing, truly... you're glowing lis" Sian smiled taking her friends face in her hands lifting her gaze with a wide smile.

"If Simon and I even have a fraction of what you and John have... ill die very very happy lis... I've seen the way he looks at you when you're not paying attention" Sian spoke.

"How does he look at me?" Alyssa questioned. Sian's smiled wider, she began fixing the veil around her friend, fiddling with any slight imperfection.

"Like you are the sun... the most important thing in his universe" Sian chuckled, Alyssa felt the tears pool in her eyes, she lent her head back blowing out a breath.

"And now I'm going to cry and ruin my makeup".

John stood at the end of the aisle, he held his hands together in front of him, his smart dress uniform felt strange after the months they had spent barely surviving, he stared at the ceiling, the large wooden arches, stain glass windows, he could barely hear the chatter of their family and friends over the pounding in his chest. His gaze fell to his Kilt, his hands moving to sooth over the fabric once again.

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