Nineteen [Nikita Turgenev]

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Her voice travelled through the rec room, John glanced up from the sofa looking over the back towards her, His arms stretched across the back of the sofa as a small smile pulled at his lips.

"Go on then" He chuckled, Alyssa quickly opened both bottles before returning to the Sofa tucking herself safely under the captain's arm, she drew her knees up to her chest while the captains laid crossed on the coffee table in front of them.

It had been a further week since John had taken Alyssa to watch the sunset. A further week without the team and without active duty, A further week of her losing her touch on reality willingly playing along with the fantasy.

"You ready?" John asked holding the remote ready to watch the latest episode of a new show they had both gotten into, Alyssa more so than the captain, but he watched it merely to spend as much time as he could with the medic while his team was away.

"Wait. What happened last episode? A week ago, seems so far?" she chuckled. The captain rolled his eyes playfully.

"Gwen and Darren got marries, Sandra found her that her husband killed her cat and kicked him out and Sophie got into a car crash" John recited the major events of the last weeks episode. Alyssa nodded now remembering the heavy cliff hanger the show had left on causing her to yell at the TV.

"Oh yeah I remember now" she smiled, she snuggled closer to the captain, his arm now resting on her shoulder, thumb gently tracing small circles on the shoulder of her t-shirt as he pressed play.

They fell into silence, Alyssa watching the TV intently waiting for much needed answers after last weeks episode, But the captain wasn't bothered about the TV nor the drama unfolding before him, instead he watched Alyssa, not enough for her to notice but just from the corner of his eye, how her wide eyes stared at the TV, the tears welling as Sophies Mother discovered her wreaked car.

He decided in this moment he could watch her for the rest of his life, the way her eyebrows twitched as she fought to hold back the tears, the gentle chewing of her cheek, a habit he noticed she did every time she was fighting some strong feeling. How he would happily hear her say his name for eternity.

"Em?" he questioned, his voice barely above a whisper, her gaze left the TV. Tear-stained eyes staring back at him, the ghost of a smile graced his lips before he gently placed them against hers, welcoming the warmth she offered, filling his entire soul, warming him to his very core.

"What was that for?" she whispered as she pulled away gently, looking up with him through her lashes.

"I just... wanted to kiss you" he smiled softly.

"Well, no complaints from me captain" she pressed her lips to his once again, Full accepting her new identity of Emily Johnson, A field medic wrapped the in the warmth of her captain, wanting him to devour every piece of her, to take her heart and her whole life, to consume every essence of her and make it theirs.

The slamming of the barrack door pushed the two apart, they sat rigid at opposite ends of the couch, Alyssa drew her knees to her chest once more, hiding her face and the furious blush that stained her cheeks, the captain fiddled with his sweatpants, straightening them out slightly before trying to look relaxed in the seat.

"Alright you two?" Roach's voice came from the door, the captain glanced back towards the sergeant, Alyssa refusing to meet his gaze as she kept her eyes focused on the TV, trying to involve herself once more in the long-forgotten story once more.

"Alright lad. How was the mission?" John questioned, Roach sighed heavily, leaning his weight against the doorframe as he ran his hand across his face, trying to relieve the tension in his tired eyes, heavy bags had settled their way under his skin, it stained with dirt and grime.

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