Thirty Six [Back On The Grid]

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"Nikolai. We're just outside the village".

Price mumbled, he stood in water up to his neck, he held his gun tight towards his chest as his eyes glanced around the abandoned road surrounding them, Yuri rose slowly from the water, his eyes glancing over towards an overgrown bush where the agent concealed herself.

"Copy, I'll pick you up in one hour" Nikolai's voice rang through the small device embedded in the agent's ear, water dripped down her dirtied face as she slowly moved out into the centre of the river, leaving her cover and joining the duo.

"The factory isn't far from here. Makarov's cargo should be there" Alyssa mumbled quietly, she held her pistol in her hand, carefully wading through the water, she stumbled slightly, tripping over something hidden under the water she couldn't have known was there. Price grabbed the back of her shirt, stopping her from falling and making any more noise.

"Keep it silent. Let's move" Price growled. Alyssa shook the captain off, silently moving through the water, the elder captain and Russian following her as her eyes scanned the riverbank.

"Militias all over this area, keep a low profile" she mumbled glancing over her shoulder to the large built Russian. Yuri nodded silently, his eyes scanning the area, his gun following.

The trio fell into silence as they moved through the murky water towards, they moved in silence, not even their breathing audible.

The air was hot, sticking the water to their skin, not even the water they waded through was cold, it was Lukewarm, clouded, the silt they kicked up with every step making it impossible to see where they were walking or what they were stepping on. Alyssa felt things brush against her legs through her trousers, She didn't dare move, continuing with her purposeful steps.

Alyssa heard the sound of engines as they approached a small barely built bridge.

"Vehicles approaching" Alyssa spoke quietly.

"Get down" Price ordered with a hushed voice, the trio scarpered, finding cover in the tall grass, Alyssa crouched, tucking her pistol into her waist band, her fingers hovering over her knife as she glanced towards Price. The captain and Yuri laid impossibly still hidden within tall grass.

The vehicle stopped.

Alyssa's fingers wrapped around the handle of her knife, her eyes focusing on the Militia member as he jumped down from the jeep.

She held her breath.

The Militia member spoke something in a language Alyssa faintly recognised but didn't understand, he lit a cigarette glancing into the distance as the Jeep drove away.

Alyssa lifted her knife.

Price watched silently as the Militia man looked down, noticing Alyssa.

Before he could shout, the agent had grabbed his ankle dragging him from the bridge, One hand covering his mouth as she drove her knife into his throat, turning it sharply. The militiaman's body convulsed slightly, before falling limp.

Alyssa wiped the blade of her knife across her thigh, cleaning it of blood, before pulling the body into the tall grass, coving it over hiding it from view. Price nodded towards the agent.

Alyssa slowly moved forward taking point, her eyes scanned the riverbanks, her heart rate increased now knowing there were defiantly militants surrounding them.

"Two x-rays eleven o'clock" Alyssa mumbled, she crouched down against the riverbank watching as Price and Yuri quickly took position, lifting their guns to their shoulders, watching through the scope, and lining up their shots.

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