Forty Six [My Way]

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"Alyssa Victoria Dixon! Will you put them down"?

Her mother tapped her hand as she scolded the small girl, a freshly baked cookie gripped in her small hands.

Her belly had rumbled, driving her to sneak a cookie from her mothers freshly backed batch, the melted chocolate made her mouth water. She watched her mother with glassy eyes and a pouted lip.

Her mothers jet black hair, pulled back and clipped into place to keep it out of her face, a few loose strands fallen in her mothers eyes, a warm smile broke across her mother's lips as she crouched down level with her youngest baby.

"Alright then...but don't tell your father or siblings... our little secret yeah?" Peggy questioned passing her daughter one of the two cookies held in her hands, Alyssa nodded eagerly, her matching black wild hair bouncing lightly as she giggled softly.

Peggy shifted, sitting on the floor bringing Alyssa into her lap, the pair sat lent against one of the kitchen counters, they giggled together as they devoured the cookies quickly.

Alyssa stood watching the scene unfold before her, it was one of her first memories, she remembered it clear as anything, sharing the secret cookie with her mother in secret, she never had told her father or her siblings, even to this day they didn't know about the freshly baked cookie she had snuck with her mother before their weekly Sunday roast.

Alyssa swallowed thickly, her heart hammering in her chest as her friends surrounded her cheering, Sian pushing her with wide excited eyes. Egging her on with the game.

She sat opposite Jake Jensen, one of the most popular boys in school, he was inching closer towards her, his stark blonde hair thick with gel, he closed his eyes, his mouth opening, before Alyssa could pull back and away from the boy she longed for.

His wet lips found her.

Her face scrunched as he sucked on her face, his tongue running over her lips with large open-mouthed kisses, Alyssa closed her eyes tightly, her body tense as she willed for it to be over. Finally, Jake Jensen pulled away, a satisfied smile on his lips as he wiped his mouth. Their friends erupted in cheers and laughter as Alyssa felt the blush rise up her cheeks.

She hadn't expected her first kiss to ever be like... that. It wasn't like the movies, there were no gentle touches or caresses, he had simply gone for it. She shuddered, subtly wiping her mouth on the sleeve of her t-shirt.

"How was it?" Sian had asked her eagerly, her best friend sat next to her staring at her with wide expectant eyes, Alyssa shrugged lightly, her gaze falling back onto Jake Jensen, the boy was laughing at something his friend had said, he didn't meet Alyssa's gaze, in fact he wouldn't look at her for the rest of the night.

"It was..." awful. It was awful. It was nothing like she had expected. The rumours in her year seven class were Jake Jensen was the best kisser in the year, and it that was the best Alyssa never wanted to kiss another boy in her life.

"Fine. It was fine" Alyssa lied, offering her best friend a small smile, Sian swooned lightly, a small hum leaving her lips as she rested her chin on her palm staring at Jake Jensen.

"You're so lucky... you got to kiss Jake Jensen Alyssa" Sian spoke in a hushed voice, her gaze still focused on Jake.

Alyssa chuckled at her eleven-year-old self, a girl who had been so shy and reserved.


The voice was barely audible, it made her head spin round, pulling her away from the memory that consumed her.


She wanted to follow it, something deep within her needed to follow the voice, it pulled at her heart, dragging her away from her memories.

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