Forty One [Dont Blame Me]

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"If we had a son, I'd call him Ernie"

Alyssa laid on the floor of the clock tower, she glanced towards John, his eyebrows pulled together slightly as he glanced from his scope towards her.

"Ernie Mactavish? Hmm kinda has a ring to it" he chuckled returning his attention towards the hotel across from them.

They had spent hours discussing their future, they had decided if they were unable to clear their names they would simply run away together, find some distant corner of the planet where no one knew them and start a family.

John had spoken of his army of mini-Mactavish's, enough children for his own football team but his wife had quickly shut the idea down with a small chuckle insisting a few children was enough for her.

They spoke of where they would live, a quaint house that was homely and welcoming, hopefully somewhere out of the city, Alyssa had had enough of busy city life and hoped for a peaceful area to raise children and spend her years with John, John had agreed insisting he was happy wherever she was.

"What about if it's a lassie?" He questioned, his gaze still focused on the hotel before them, Alyssa hummed lightly.

"I don't know...what would you call her?" Alyssa questioned as she opened the wrapper of a small snack.

She broke it in half, offering half to her husband. He popped his half in his mouth, not taking his gaze away from the hotel, he thought for a moment, running his hand over his jaw as he did so.

"I dunno something like...Constance...or Rose" Alyssa nodded, his gaze tore away from the hotel, he sat himself back watching his wife as she thought on his words.

"Constance Mactavish" she said more to herself than to her husband. She met his gaze with a small smile.

"I like that...constance...Connie for's pretty" she smiled, John chuckled light, shifting so he was back on his stomach staring through the scope of his sniper.

"I still think we should have enough kids for a football team" Alyssa playfully slapped his shoulder as she laid next to him, getting comfortable before looking through her own scope.

"Which vehicle will he be in?" She questioned, her tongue running over her teeth freeing some of the snack bar she had just eaten.

"They constantly rotate for security. We won't know until he steps out." He spoke glancing towards Alyssa.

"We've got plenty of Time to pass" he teased wiggling his eyebrows at the girl, she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Let's finish this then we can start working on that army of mini Mactavish's" she chuckled. John nodded in agreement.

"Alpha One, radio check, over." Prices voice rang through coms, Alyssa returned her attention towards her scope watching through the sight.

"Bravo One, copy. We're dug in with a line of sight" John replied, Alyssa shuffled slightly, laying on her stomach for hours on end was less than comfortable, her legs were starting to go numb from the chill.

"Right. Kamarov's our eyes and ears inside the hotel. Once he gives us the nod, we'll kick this off. What do you see?" Price questioned.

Alyssa searches the area out the front of the hotel, the metal band around her finger feeling alien as they flexed gently around the trigger.

"Bugger-all. Looks like Makarov's late for his own funeral" Alyssa chuckled slightly, there was an unease in her laugh, John picked up on it instantly.

"Sit tight until we can get a clean shot. Then you can put as many rounds on him as you like" Price replied,

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