Thirty Nine [Return To Sender]

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The air was hot.

Alyssa sat in the back of the jeep, the dry wind from their movement whipping through the loose strands of her hair that fell from the tight pony tail. Yuri sat in the back next to her, his rifle gripped tightly as the truck kicked sand up around them as it sped down the sand of the beech.

"we need to move quick, we need to snag Waraabe before he bolts!" Price shouted over the roar of the engine, John sat in the front, he glanced over his shoulder towards Alyssa offering her a small smile.

"The sandstorm's moving fast, we only have one shot!" Alyssa called back her hand shielding her eyes as she watched the sandstorm in the distance.

"Bravo team take point through the gate" Price ordered through his coms.

Alyssa watched as the second Jeep overtook them, she glanced towards Yuri tapping his shoulder, the pair stood up, holding onto the bar, John shielded his eyes as he glanced up to the sky.

The sound of a helicopter filled Alyssa's ears as Nikolai flew above them, he held steady above their jeep for a few moments.

"soften 'Em up Nikolai" Soap chuckled through coms, a noise of acknowledgement travelled through Alyssa's ears before two missiles flew above her head landing directly at the gates of the compound.

Rock and rumble exploded through the air, Alyssa turned her head as Price pushed the jeep faster through destroyed gates, skidding to a stop drifting the car.

The team grabbed their guns, quickly jumping from the Jeep and finding new cover, Alyssa dove for cover next to Yuri, the Russian glanced towards her with a small smirk.

"lets see if Baba yaga lives up to her namesake" He chuckled lightly, Alyssa checked over her rifle, glancing towards Yuri.

"as long as I don't have to keep an eye on your bald head" She chuckled, Yuri bumped his shoulder with the agents lightly as they lifted their heads from cover firing round after round.

The onslaught of Militia seemed never ending, for every militiaman they shot down ten more seemed to take their place.

Explosions rang through the air as Nikolai tries to ease up their defences.

"We need to get up to the building!" Price ordered through coms.

The team moved quickly.

Bodies dropping around them as they moved forward.

Alyssa's gun pressed tightly to her shoulder as she expertly fired round after round. She glanced towards John for a moment, the heat causing his hair to fall flat and stick to his forehead, a light sheer of sweat covered him as he focused his gaze through his scope.

Alyssa grunted as she fell back to the floor, her gun skidding away from her as A militiaman hoovered over her, Knife lifted and ready to plunge into her chest, Her hands quickly gripped the blade in a bid to defend herself, she cried out as the cool metal sliced the skin of her palms.

"Oi!" Price called.

The Militaman lifted his gaze.

Price fired a single bullet through his skull sending him backwards and off the agent.

Price offered Alyssa his hand, she gripped it as he helped her to her feet.

"Now we're even" He chuckled lightly, Alyssa nodded gently wiping the blood from her hands on her trousers, She glanced towards her palms, luckily the wounds weren't too deep.

"lets move"

The team pushed forward into the building, Alyssa held her pistol, her gaze focused as she fired two shots clearing guards directly in front of them.

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