Fourteen [Admiral Dixon]

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"The mission was successful, the intel shows Sidero's base of operations is on a small remote island off the coast of Fiji." Shepard spoke.

The task force was once again in the debrief room, it was the next day and Alyssa had spent all night picturing the sketch of her in the captain's journal, she wasn't a vein person but the drawing was better than any photograph of her, she looked truly beautiful. Was that how the captain saw her? And the words at the bottom, 'I'm Fucked'. She wanted to ask him but knew she couldn't, for if she were to ask the captain would question why she had been snooping in his room.

"Captain you will lead the mission as normal" Shepherd spoke nodding towards Mactavish. The captain sat next to the medic this time, she glanced to her left locking eyes with the captain for a moment, long enough to see the small smile pull at his lips before his eyes snapped back towards the General.

Alyssa's eyes lingered a few moments, he lent back in his chair, arms folded and rested across his abdomen, he rocked the chair slightly, his leg bouncing as he listened to the General, Alyssa pulled her eyes away quickly when the next sentence left Shepherds thin lips.

"Admiral Dixon will be helping with the operation" Alyssa's heart raced to her throat, ready to jump from her mouth and sprint out the door and away from Crendenhill. Her ears rang as she stared intently at shepherd wondering if she heard him right. Surely her father wouldn't be coming to crendenhill? He wouldn't be stupid enough to risk his daughter's mission. Next, she felt the anger rise in her. This was her father's way of keeping tabs on her, her leg began bouncing quickly with nerves, chewing on the inside of her cheek.

She watched Shepherd as he continued talking about their upcoming mission, but her thoughts were running wild with the idea her father was coming. She felt a hand gently rest on her leg. Giving it a reassuring squeeze, she glanced over seeing the captains hand resting just above her knee holding it still, his eyes focused on shepherd before his gaze flicked towards her offering her a small smile before returning to the general. A small smile graced the medics lips, her hand moving to gently rest on the captains giving it a small thankful squeeze.

"Right. The admiral will be arriving within the hour, I expect everyone to be on their best behaviour, we will have a few of his men here as well and I expect you all to be welcoming" Shepherd spoke looking directly at Riley, the lieutenant gave a small scoff crossing his arms over his chest, Mactavish chuckling slightly.

"We will hold another Debrief for the operation tomorrow at eleven hundred hours" shepherd finished nodding his head, the captain removed his hand quickly as the medic stood up rushing from the debrief room towards her bedroom. The anger rushing through her veins as she stormed through the camp.

"What the fuck Jones!" She spat down the phone, she paced backwards and forwards around her room, her fingers running through her hair tugging at it slightly as she spoke, Jones heavily sighed down the phone annoyance clear in his own voice.

"The admiral aiding in the mission had nothing to do with MI6, we expect you to maintain that cover and I don't ever! Expect to hear that tone from you again do you fucking understand?" He spat through the phone; Alyssa's jaw tightened as she listened to his tone. She ran her hand across her face roughly pulling at the skin.

"Yes sir. sorry sir" Jones grunted at her words clearly unimpressed with the field agents' attitude, he ended the phone call as quickly as he answered it, she groaned annoyed before catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her shoulder length hair now dishevelled and messy after running her fingers through it a countless number of times, tired eyes with heavy set bags starting to settle themselves underneath. She carefully slipped her phone back into her pocket, and quickly tied her hair up trying to

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