Forty Nine [Unchained Melody]

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She frowned as her eyes scanned the darkness.

Sometimes she could hear his voice, she followed it religiously but she hadn't heard him in a while, he no longer spoke to her, the coldness invading her bones once again.

"John?" she called for him.

Her heart called for him. She had been searching for him for what felt like years, she had no concept of time, it all pasted in a blur of memories.

Sometimes she was with him, and she would relish these moments, spending what felt like weeks being in his presence, just seeing him pulled her heart tighter, she needed to find her way back to him, needed to hear him speaking.

Her eyebrows furrowed as something broke through the darkness. Her head tilted slightly as she made her way carefully through the darkness she found herself consumed by.

A small house came into view, a light shinning through the windows, illuminating her way, guiding her towards it, something called within her, making her legs move faster until she was sprinting towards the home.

A small, thatched cottage, with a stone wall outlining a lush garden. A variety of beautifully coloured flowers littered around the well-tended to garden. She paused at the blue door, her hand hovering over the handle. Her heart pounded in her chest; she didn't understand why.

She frowned lightly, pushing the door open.

A warmth radiated from inside, pulling her in, she stepped into the modern interior, her eyes slowly adjusting to the light, something comforting about everything within the house.

"Lis?" His voice came from somewhere in the house, her heart raced more, she quickly moved through the house into the large kitchen.

John stood with his back to her, he turned as he heard her enter the room, a wide smile pulling at his lips as his eyes settled on her.

"you're home" He smiled; he wiped his hands on a dishcloth moving across the kitchen embracing her tightly.

Alyssa felt like she couldn't breathe, she gripped his t-shirt tightly, the tears free falling down her cheeks, her body shaking slightly as she sobbed into his shoulder.

"I didn't know how to get back" she cried, John gently soothed her, holding her close, his lips pressing into the top of her head.

"Hey it's okay. You're here now". His voice was soft as his fingers gently ran through her hair. She sniffled nodding as she buried her face further into his chest.

"It's okay lis. I'm here" he mumbled. She nodded against his chest, Pulling away slightly to look at him.

John smiled lightly, taking her face in his hands, his thumb gently running across her cheek brushing away the tears that fell.

"you're just in time" he smiled. He pressed his lips to her forehead before pulling away turning back to the meal he was cooking.

Alyssa lent on the counter watching him closely as he went about preparing the meal, she didn't know what it was but it smelt good, better than good it smelt amazing.

He was humming a light tune she couldn't quite recognise, he bopped his head along as the muscles on his back flexed under the tight black t-shirt, he moved effortlessly around the kitchen.

"What are you humming?" she mumbled, moving behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist, resting her chin on his back, he glanced over his shoulder offering her a small smile.

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