Twenty Six [Reunion]

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"What the fuck?"

The lieutenant spoke, his gaze flicked between the agent and the captain, Mactavish's jaw wound tight, his gaze quickly dropping from the agent to the floor with a shake of his head. in silence he turned leaving the landing pad. The agent looked slightly defeated as she made her way over to the remaining team. Ghost and roach exchanged weary looks as she approached.

"Sergeant. Lieutenant" she spoke, a small smile crept across her lips seeing her friends again for the first time in months, she had missed the playful banter the men seemed to have at every waking moment. Roach eyed the traitor.

"What the fuck is going on? Why are you back here? You betrayed us?" Roach shook his head slightly, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Alyssa's smile faltered slightly, hearing the words fall from the sergeants' lips as they cut into her chest.

"I'm agent Alyssa Dixon, of MI6, Not Emily Johnson" Alyssa commented, Ghost and Roach exchanged looks their eyebrows knitting together in confusion as the girl's revelation.

"So you are not a traitor?" Ghost questioned; his hand rested on the girls shoulder as he gripped it slightly. There was a slight unease in his voice as Alyssa chuckled lightly shaking her head.

"No, I was undercover. That's all I can say" she chuckled, the two men breathed a sigh of relief, roach was the first to wrap his arms tightly around her in a crushing embrace, the lieutenant eyeing her before glancing to the agents behind her, he next threw his arms around the pair with a hearty chuckle.

"I knew it! I knew it!" Ghost exclaimed with excitement to have his friend back on the team, although they hadn't got off to the best start Alyssa and Simon had become good friends during her time with the 141, When it was revealed, she had betrayed them The lieutenants was nearly as devastated as the captain.

"Who are they?" Roach questioned as the hug broke apart, he nodded his head towards the two agents stood behind Alyssa.

Vick stood stoic glancing around the large base, he had been in the Army for years before making the jump to MI6, a small smile crept across his lips as he watched rows of soldiers marching, the sound of machines firing up as their boots pounded on the ground.

Brookes however was totally opposite, His jaw wound tight as he stared at Alyssa, watching her every interaction with the duo. Glaring at the sergeant as his arm draped around the agent's shoulder as they spoke.

"Agent Vick and Agent Brooks, they're here to help" she said rolling her eyes slightly, Sam continued to stare at her, she shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, wishing Jones would have sent her in alone once again to help the 141 in their mission, she didn't need Vick and she certainly didn't need Sam.

"They look like tossers" Ghost commented looking the men up and down, his gaze broke as Alyssa laughed slightly, she hummed slightly glancing towards the Lieutenant.

"Only one of them" she chuckled. Ghost and roach exchanged looks before turning back towards the agents eyeing them once more.

"Where's Mactavish gone?" She questioned, her voice slightly quiet as she spoke, Ghost and roach exchanged a look Alyssa could easily read. They were weary to tell her where the captain was, it was no secret on base he had been heart broken, Masking his sadness with anger and rage. Ghost sighed heavily resting his hands on his hips.

"In there" he spoke nodding his head towards the barracks, Alyssa nodded gently. She was busting to see him, to speak to him and see if he got her letter, if he believed her, she wanted to explain everything to him, to tell him everything.

"Show them round" she ordered, the lieutenant and sergeant exchanged surprised looks as the agent began walking towards the barracks, she turned walking backwards as she watched them.

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