Eleven [Price?]

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The tension in the air was thick.

Mactavish's sat against the metal wall of the helicopter wiping the fresh crimson blood from his hands on an old rag, the medic sat opposite him, closest to the door refusing to look at the captain despite his efforts to make conversion. The lieutenant and sergeant used the extra time to catch up on some much-needed sleep they both needed, having the ability to fall asleep under any conditions was a skill Alyssa had mastered early in her career however her anger towards the captain caused sleep to elude her.

Her mind struggled to process the captains' actions. She was beyond angry at the captain. She was torn between her need to remain undercover and finish this mission and the bigger picture of finding Makarov and stopping him once and for all. She wanted to berate him, hang him out to dry in front of his whole team for putting the whole mission at steak due to his own anger.

The bird hit the ground, jolting the sleeping lieutenant and sergeant awake abruptly. Without a moment's hesitation Alyssa ripped the door open leaving the team behind. She strode across the tarmac wanting to be as far away from the captain as possible until she had calmed down and regathered her thoughts.

A whistle travelled through the air, pricking her ears and fuelling her rage.

"Queenie look-" Mactavish began but he was quickly cut off, the medic spun on her heels staring up at the captain.

"Don't fucking whistle at me. I am not your dog." She spat moving away from the captain. Mactavish held his hands up defensively. Her stomach churned as she looked at him, small specs of blood still visible on his skin, his eyes had returned to their normal icy blue colour rather than the black she had seen earlier.

"Look I know that was tough-" the captain was once again cut off as the medic scoffed loudly.

"That was totally unnecessary! You staked the whole mission because what? you couldn't control your anger?!" Her voice was raised at the captain, Mactavish paused for a moment, taking in her words and her tone. It was his turn to scoff now.

"I got the information we needed. I did what I had to do" the captain spoke through clenched teeth, his hands found their way to his vest, clinging to the straps by his collar bones.

"He was innocent! A fucking kid!" She stared at him, her loud voice earned questioning looks from both the half-asleep sergeant and lieutenant as they finally walked pasted with the pilot.

"He was innocent?" Mactavish chuckled glancing around the camp, his tongue pressed to the inside of his cheek.

"He was anything but innocent" Mactavish continued once again stepping closer to the medic.

"Oh, so guilt by association is how you like to handle things here?" she asked sarcastically quickly removing her tactical vest tucking it under her arm. it was Mactavish's turn to roll his eyes at the girl he scoffed shaking his head slightly.

"no. we needed Ubel to talk. I got him to talk. I completed the mission as instructed. And you will do well to remember. Medic. I am your superior officer" he spat his voice harsh as he moved closer towards the girl. She stared up at him biting the Inside of her cheek with a defiant look.

"Well... I hope your proud of yourself captain." she spoke before turning and leaving Mactavish alone on the tarmac.

"You wanted me?"

Riley questioned stepping into Mactavish's office, the captain sat in his chair leaning towards the right, his elbow resting on the padded arm as he gently tapped his thumb against his chin. His eyes darted up to meet the Lieutenants.

"Yeah, sit down" he said after a few moments of silence, he watched as Riley moved round the chairs sitting in one spreading his legs lazily, The fresh white cotton top creasing slightly as he lent back, small droplets of water dripping down his face from the shower he'd just finished.

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