Chapter 1

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Ever stay up late at night thinking about how underwhelming your life is and pray to anyone willing to listen that you could be someone else, or be reborn in a different world, or be isekaied like one of those anime you've watched or manhua you've read? Yeah? 

Well revoke that shit. Now.

Let me tell you from experience that this shit ain't for the faint of heart. 


I tripped over a protruding tree root and face planted the forest floor. I didn't have much time to moan over my undoubtedly busted lip that got nicked by my teeth, as I scrambled to my feet in an attempt to further the distance between myself and the ravenous wolf pack barreling towards me.

I continued my desperate sprint for life as I refuse to die a virgin and be ripped apart some wolves looking to fill their stomachs.

If I'm going to die by being ripped apart it's definitely not gonna be like this. I refuse such a pathetic end.

As I was hauling ass trying to stay alive, I noticed a girl examining her surroundings, looking lost.

"Hey! Run!" I screamed at her.

Her head jerked at the sudden noise and whipped around to look in my direction. For a brief moment, relief crossed her features, but I assume the wolves trying to secure lunch changed that quick as her face morphed to one of horror.

She spun around and took off, me catching up to her pretty soon after.

Damn, either I'm in my Usain Bolt era or sis here can't run for shit. Ugh, not the time Isa.

Soon after I saw a tree ahead that looks like we could try climbing.

"Hey, let's go over there!" I said pointing in its direction. She nodded and ran over.

As we approached the tree, I practically threw myself in the air with my arms outstretched, hoping for the hanging branch to appear in my palms. Somehow that worked, and I pulled myself up to sit atop the branch. 

The girl was having issues getting up, so I reached down and gave her a hand. When we were both in the tree, the wolves skidded to a stop as they growled and bared their teeth at us. Sigh, what a perfect way to start the day.


Suddenly, a loud roar sounded some ways from where we were, then a massive leopard came running, heading straight for the wolves.

Holy shit! Is- is that leopard killing the wolves because he wants us to himself? So I've changed from puppy chow to cat food. Oh, why me?

The few wolves that weren't killed tucked their tails between their legs and ran off, whimpering.


Then the leopard looked at the girl and me in the tree. Cats can climb. Well, life was sucky while it lasted, goodbye cruel world. 

It slowly approached, then the most bizarre thing happened. The overgrown kitten morphed into a man. 

A handsome man with shoulder length blonde hair, golden eyes and two cat ears atop his head and a tail swishing behind him. He also had two dark stripes on one of his cheeks.

Why does he look so familiar?

I was lost in thought for a bit while the leopard man and the girl talked and somewhere in there, he helped her down and was wearing a lovesick expression as he stared at her. Snapping out of it, I jumped down, assuming he wasn't a threat. 

My sudden movement must have interrupted whatever was happening between the two as he regarded me with an unimpressed expression.

"You female, are ugly and far inferior to my Qingqing, " the rude, tactless, twat said.

I blinked once. 


Then it hit me. 


Fucking Qingqing.

Of all the worlds my ass could have ended up.

Man.... this some bullshit.

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