Chapter 19

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"Winston! Don't stop!"

I had to work a bit harder to get him to believe that I was okay with being bitten, but soon after I had convinced him, he was thrusting inside me once more and the feeling I had lost earlier slowly resurfaced.

"Harder.....fuck!" I came and clenched around him repeatedly. Just as I had reached my high, I felt sharp fangs bury themselves in the side of my neck, the pain and the pleasure complimented each other seamlessly and I moaned louder at the sensation.

Winston gripped my hips tightly as he came inside, warmth erupted in my abdomen as I felt his essence flood my womb.

We laid together, allowing our highs to wear off. I felt Winston remove his teeth from my neck then lick my wound a few times.

"Next time, do more than just one. That felt amazing," I murmured, completely spent.

He chuckled, "Sure, whatever you want wife. Wait here, I'll go get some emeralds and something to clean you up with," He lifted his weight off me and stood.

I simply laid there in a starfish position, "Couldn't move if I wanted to," I said.

The tiger looked alarmed and got on his knees next to me, "Where else are you hurt? I knew I should have controlled myself."

"Don't do that, you did nothing wrong. I'm not hurt, I just feel too good to move right now," I tried to reassure him.

He gave me a kiss and smiled as he stroked the right side of my chest, "Alright, I'll be back."

Based on his wagging tail and happy expression as he left, I assumed his mark was on my chest. I'd check later, but I'd be happy if that were the case. The mark thing was the biggest snitch in relationships in the beast world. You could talk a big game all you wanted but if at the end of the day, the mark doesn't reflect your words, it wouldn't be a good look.

I wasn't sure how many more mates I'd have but I would run out of chest space eventually. Too many tattoos on my chest would have me walking around looking crazy.

Having some on my arm or back wouldn't be too bad. From asking Harvey, anything below the waist is considered being unfavoured. As long as it's above the waist, back or front, any future husbands of mine won't be worrying about if I loved them or not.

I did always consider Harvey, Winston and Curtis as my big three and the placements of their marks reflected that.

"Isa?" My thoughts were interrupted as Damien entered the room.

Woah, I'm looking like a hot mess right now, sir.

"Damien, I'm a little occupied right now, can you come back later?" I asked embarrassedly as I closed my legs and tried to sit up.

The hawk beast walked over to me and gently pushed me on my back as he hovered above me, I looked into his eyes and saw his lust and need.

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