Chapter 17

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I peeked out the window and my jaw slackened slightly at the endless white that covered our front yard. I couldn't properly discern one foot from my house versus twenty feet. The entirety of outside was like a snowy void. It was a beautiful sight, nonetheless.

I was still staring outside the window and marveling at the contrast of my and this world's climate, when I felt warm hands wrap around my barely bulging stomach and lightly pull me from the window, further into the warm living room.

"Isa, you shouldn't be so close to the window, it's very cold."

I looked up at my sexy tiger and swooned for the millionth time, "I know, Winston. I've always liked looking at the snow back home, but this one seems like it wants me frozen to the bone, no matter how insulated the house is. A deathly beauty, makes me want it even more."

"From now on, don't court death, no matter how beautiful it is."

I gave him a cheeky smile, "No promises."

Winston sighed, probably thinking of ways to make this world's first padded room to keep me in, safe from harm and snow.

We sat on one of the larger cushions I had made, and I was greeted with a sight I've grown to love over the past few days since it started snowing. Damien and Harvey were off to one side playing a game of chess. I had taught them the basics on how to play it, since I don't really know much about it to begin with and my men, ever the over achievers, took off and ventured into their own realm of chess.

They were using a wooden chess board and wood crafted into chess pieces like how I described them. I'm glad I could give them something to pass their time with. I didn't play with them much after the first few times, not only because I could no longer keep up with them but also because I was anxiously awaiting giving birth.

Curtis was fully transformed to his beast form and was coiled near the fire. He was trying to resist his urge to hibernate so that he could be there when the baby snakes were born and regularly lounged by the fireplace to do just that.

I curled up into Winston's side with a sigh and let his warmth wash over me. He didn't need much time to register what was happening as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. Since I expanded the family with Winston and Damien, I had been regularly initiating physical contact with them so that they would become more used to it and not react like a deer in headlights each time I touched them.

The only sounds that could be heard were the softly crackling fire and the light tap of the chess pieces on the board from Damien and Harvey's game. We didn't need to speak to fill the silence in the room, we were simply content.

I started feeling emotional remembering Curtis' words when we had first moved here. I truly feel as though I will never again experience what it is to be alone. These men around me have brought forth a side of my personality that I never knew I had. I make jokes with them, I'm sarcastic with them and I've come in tune with my sexuality because of them.

If you had told me when I was on earth that I'd have not one, but two husbands and two husbands to be, I'd give you a blank look, incredulously say 'okay' and slowly walk away from you.

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