Chapter 51

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"Talia!" I yelled while running towards the fox with my arms wide open.

She quickly passed the baby she was holding to one of her husbands before running towards me also. We met somewhere in the middle and engulfed each other in crushing hugs.

"Isa! You're okay! I missed you so much!" She yelled while crying. "Don't you ever do anything like that again! I was worried sick and your mates, oh my god! I just know they wanted to wring my neck whenever they saw me."

"Whaaaat?" I said awkwardly, "They would never."

Very convincing, girlie pop.

"It's fine, if it were me, I'd want to kill me too," she said brushing it off. "How are you feeling? Are the babies good?"

We broke the hug and held on to each other's arms as we chatted.

"They're not in peak condition, but they'll be okay," I replied. "So, I heard that a little birdie became a father recently."

"Yes! Come on, let me show you, our girl." She pulled me over to where Finn, her horse beast, was holding a babbling baby girl.

I gently took her in my arms and cooed at the sight. She had a few tuffs of red hair and was very lively as she giggled at me.

"Oh, she's precious," I whispered. "She's big though. I know that pussy hurting," I said, still whispering, not wanting to corrupt the littlest one so soon.

Talia let out a laugh at my comment, "Oh man, can I tell you? But I'm good now, I took a few emeralds."

I nodded in approval and looked at her husbands, "Good looking out for my main bitch, guys. I appreciate it."

They all chuckled. Jaxon said how good it was to have me back to turn the frowns that molded themselves onto my husbands' faces, upside down.

Some ways away, Drayven and Victor looked at their interaction with confusion. Victor was aware of the females' relationship, but he had never seen them together before.

It was odd to say the least as females typically had nothing but backhanded compliments and insults to give their so-called 'friends'.

The two seemed to genuinely like and care for each other, though their manner of speaking to each other was a bit crude.

Curtis noticed their confusion, "That's Talia, Ari's friend. You'll get used to it." He was mostly introducing the fox female to Drayven since he had never met her.

"I was wondering if you wanted to help me name her?" Talia inquired hopefully.

I hummed lightly, pretending to ponder for a moment, but I already had a name in mind.

"How about Wren? I've always liked that name."

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