Chapter 35

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After much discussion and a lot of convincing on my husbands' part, it was decided that we should stay near the ocean for the time being.

Damien had gone out in search of a new place that would suit our needs as best as possible but he would always come back reporting that ferals were spotted nearby or that they had already ransacked the villages.

It seemed that there was an increase in feral incidences lately. The reason was unknown, but for now, our best choice was to remain by the beach.

The whole family couldn't just pack up and search, so we would settle temporarily and then Damien and Kaydon would go out looking for a new place.

We didn't stay on the beach of course, when the tide rose at night, I'm sure a tiger cub or two would be washed away. Those waves meant business and they were not to be taken lightly. This had to be discovered though.

On the first night we spent there, the weather was good, and the three moons shone brilliantly in the sky. We all decided to make use of the blankets we had brought with us, and we camped out on the beach.

Imagine my surprise when my motherly instincts kicked in during the night while I was happily dozing away and, with the help of the moonlight, I saw Fee and Fi being slowly pulled into the deep blue depths, they were still asleep and unaware.

I gave Cutis a harsh slap to the arm and yelled for him to retrieve them. The man jolted from his sleep and hazily slithered into the water to rescue the cubs that had been woken up by my scream and began wailing.

When my babies were back in my arms, I hugged their soggy bodies close to my chest and demanded we move closer inland, glaring at the deceivingly beautiful water the entire time.

I didn't get another wink of sleep that night.

The reason for my initial aversion towards settling by the sea was that I didn't want to be involved with the merfolk. They were troublesome in the novel and that entire arc was just a mess to me in all honesty.

But then I remembered, they're looking for Qin. The only reason why the hardheaded merman kidnapped Qingqing in the first place was that he thought she was too beautiful to not be descended from merfolk.

I look nothing like either of them. One would have to be blind to have heard a description of pale skin and blue hair their entire lives and then pick me out of the crowd. I was the complete opposite.

Keeping that in mind, I decided to relax and put my fears aside.

As such, my and Talia's men were currently building two temporary houses for us. Talia and I were on babysitting duty as the men didn't really have the time to even take the boys hunting since they wanted to finish the houses as soon as possible.

The men would take turns allotting breaks amongst themselves so that two of them would always be with us. Winston took the least number of breaks. That was to be expected given how great his work ethic is and I didn't want to burden him with being needy, so I let my hubby do what he does best. Provide.

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