Chapter 27

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The next couple of days went by quietly. Talia and her mates had come over during that time. The men for cooking lessons and Talia, for some more mindless chatter. I had also given them some of the many pillows we had when the redhead expressed how much she liked them.

I even got to pet the littlest fox's tail. It was as smooth and fluffy as expected.

Today we were having a slow morning. I had been hit with bouts of morning sickness earlier, so I was taking it easy and was only able to keep some fruits down. The snakes were fed and were coiled on my stomach serving as a personal cooling pad.

They were getting bigger, soon I wouldn't be able to hold all of them at once like I do now.

I sighed contentedly and sank further into the bed. Harvey hadn't been requested to see anyone today, so my sexy doctor was next to me the whole time, wiping my sweat and keeping track of my condition.

He was a little worrywart, but he was adorable when he fussed over my health.

Curtis walked in the room, fully shifted into his beastman form, "Harvey, how is she?" he questioned the leopard.

"She's better. These little ones," he paused to pet the heads of some of the snakes that were laying on me, "are helping quite a bit."

The snakes hissed happily, proud that they were able to help.

"Alright, let Winston and Damien take over, come with me."

I opened one eye to look at him curiously, "Where are you guys going?"

Curtis gave me a secretive smile, walked over to me and kneeled down to peck my lips. "It's a secret," he said.

He looked down at the snakes and hissed harshly at them. I smacked his shoulder, "Don't bully them," I scolded.

Curtis gave me a cheeky smile, "I would never."

As he and Harvey left, Winston and Damien walked in.

"So.....what do you guys wanna do?" I asked them awkwardly. "Do try to keep it PG, the babies are working overtime right now to keep me comfortable."

Damien gasped in mock offense, "I would never do anything to scar the little guys."

Winston scoffed and moved past the hawk to lay next to me and the kids, "Did you believe what you just said, bird?"

Damien scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and came to lay on our other side, "Can you tell us some more stories, Isa? That's the next best thing I suppose."


"Going to tell me what this is about?" Harvey asked Curtis in beast language. They were both morphed into their beast forms and running towards the other end of beast city.

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