Chapter 12

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It's been some days now, and life was going alright. For starters, my period finished today. Yay!

Harvey, Curtis and I were doing splendidly. We had somewhat of a daily routine going. We'd wake up from our cuddling position, greet each other, well the men would greet me and I them, we'd get freshened up, I found that prickly fruit thing by the way, total life saver. We'd eat breakfast, which had now diversified to include eggs, Harvey found the short birds. Then, one of or both men would take me to get a bath.

Harvey was a working man and was bringing in the dough. We got emeralds, animal skin, fruits, meat, someone even tried to give me their son...

Due to Harvey being busy most days, Curtis and I would work on our home beautification, he made me the bra and panties I requested. More coming soon once he sheds again, and we went for that swim he wanted.

Harvey had been gone since early this morning and I was bored.

"Curtis," my husband looked at me, "Is there a larger river near the city?"

"Yes, there is a big one about an hour outside the city, why?"

"Let's go swimming, I don't want to swim in the city's river like last time," I said smiling at my husband.

He smiled in response, grabbed me and we were out the door. We spent a couple hours there, just lounging in the water and speaking about nothing in particular.

I love spending time with my snakey but I was missing Harvey too.

Which is why I was now dragging him towards the river, him allowing me to of course.

"Isa, I have a patient to get to. You can ask Curtis to accompany you."

I stopped pulling and quickly turned to face him, "What ails your patient, Harvey?"

He looked at me puzzled, "It's a female with an aching, stomach."

"Is she pregnant?"


"Do you want to be my male Harvey?"

He stood up straighter, "Of course, why would you ask that?"

"Then don't continuously blow me off to see patients. Especially if those patients just need to drink some fucking ginger tea!"

I gasped, "I'm sorry. Why am I shouting?" I groaned. Approaching him, I wrapped my hands around his torso and laid my head on his chest.

"I appreciate you going to work, and financially providing for us but I miss you so much." I sniffled as tears started to fall. "You may think Curtis being around will make me not notice your absence, but I can't bear it. Ugh, why the fuck am I crying?!" I angrily wiped my tears at my pathetic show of weakness.

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