Chapter 31

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All I've got to say is that being up at the ass crack of dawn is a sin.

I yawned loudly and unattractively then buried my head into Fo's chubby tummy, sighing as bits of his warmth spread over my face. I looked down at my lap to see Fee and Fi yawning and stretching. Looking to my right, I saw my snake boys coiled on the floor, occasionally flickering their tongues and hissing.

Safe to say my babies and I don't agree with the current injustice my husbands insisted upon.

We were waiting for Talia and her family to arrive so we could leave. Granted, they weren't late or anything, my men were just too proactive for their own good. I sank further into Harvey's warmth.

The men hadn't told me the specifics of the village Damien found, just that it was perfect, and I would like it. I didn't press the issue too much because it's not like I knew my way around the beast world anyways, so I trusted their judgement.

I heard some light commotion and peeked an eye open to see that Talia's family had arrived. Similarly to us, Talia and the fox cubs were wiped out, poor things.

Talia was carried over to us by Hugh, one of her fox males and he sat down across from us, holding her like precious treasure while she continued dozing away.

The cubs weakly crawled over to their parents and plopped down next to them.

Realizing that we would soon leave, my excitement slowly washed away my fatigue and I simply observed my men fleshing out some final details with Talia's men. About ten minutes later, Damien and Kaydon, Talia's hawk male, walked over to us.

"Isa," Damien said, kneeling next to me and lifting the sleeping tiger cubs off my lap, "come, it's time to go."

We decided that Damien, the snakes, the tigers, and I would travel by air, and Talia and her youngest would do the same with her hawk beast.

My older boys could definitely make the trip on land, as they have grown quite a bit, but call it reader's PTSD or whatever but Curtis wasn't going anywhere near them while travelling.

If I was told that they got lost or that they died, I would lose my mind.

Damien, like the reliable and strong husband he is, had no problems with carrying all of us, he did say he might have to go slower at times to reserve his strength and to prevent us from making too many stops.

I had a good amount of our emeralds with me, the men had the rest, so I would stuff some down his throat if I felt he needed it. I'd be making full use of our mating bond as we travelled. I can imagine them hiding their pain or discomfort out of male pride and I couldn't have that.

We were all ready to leave. Some of our belongings had been buried near the village while some were already moved into the home Damien had gotten for us. As we were about to take off after saying our 'see you later's, we heard someone screaming a few meters away from our property.

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