Chapter 36

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I stilled as I felt a sharp jolt of pain in my lower abdomen. Ezra, who was currently holding me in his lap, tightened his hold on my waist before he loosened his grip and began rubbing my stomach. I groaned in appreciation and sank into him as he slowly rubbed the pain away.

"Better?" he asked after a few minutes. I hummed in response.

He paused his actions to lift me into a sitting position, unlike my previous laying one, and buried his head in the junction where my shoulder and neck met.

The sabretooth tiger inhaled deeply and would alternate between licking and kissing that spot. I found it to be very relaxing and simply basked in the feeling, allowing him to do as he pleased.

After some time, Harvey and Damien walked into the room, having finished preparing breakfast, and called our attention to the food. Curtis and Winston had left earlier to hunt so we could replenish our food storage.

"Thank you guys so much," I said as I received my plate from Harvey.

"No problem, Isa," Damien said as he settled directly in front of Ezra and me. "Are you still in pain?"

I nodded while eating but after my mouth was clear of food, I spoke, "Yeah, I'm good. My pain tolerance would be non-existent if I relied on emeralds completely. This much I can handle."

Harvey looked sheepish and ashamed, "Perhaps we should take a different approach to mating, Isa. How about we just stick to one-on-one mating only? I'd hate for our group mating to take too much of a toll on you."

"What? You guys don't like teaming up on me?" I asked with a slight, teasing pout.

"Of course, we do," Ezra said from behind me. "You take on a different level of submissiveness when you're with all of us. You get so needy and more adorable than usual," he nibbled my right ear lobe. "It's quite the sight to behold, my darling wife."

"But" Damien interjected, "we prioritize your health and happiness over everything else. We're just worried about if you can handle it, Isa."

I loved being with all of them at the same time, and not necessarily for the new heights of pleasure they managed to unlock within me each time. It was mostly the rare opportunity to feel the pure and unrestricted love that flowed between our bonds during our intimate moments. No one shied away, everyone is always in the moment and fully enjoying themselves.

The men weren't romantically involved with each other, but they had developed a brotherhood of sorts that made their actions flow smoothly like a well-designed program.

It's funny to think that without them all being married to me, they perhaps wouldn't have been friendly with each other, much less know of each other's existence. It's crazy how I managed to bring a group of varying people together and to witness how well they complement each other. Not just in the bedroom, when they are focused on pleasing me, but in our everyday lives as well.

I felt blessed to be able to call this amazing group of men mine.

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