Chapter 6

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I felt particularly proud of myself as I looked at the current state of Harvey's bedroom.

A large red snake was coiled around himself settled at the edge of the makeshift bed made from hay and animal skin and settled on that bed, was an overgrown leopard, seeming to be blissfully dozed off. There was a small space between the two, for me of course, and as I gazed at the sight, I couldn't help but give myself a mental pat on the back.

You deserve it bitch, talk about hard work paying off.  At that thought, I gave myself a slight nod when the events of earlier resurfaced in my mind.

"Why would you accept a feral as your mate, Isa?"  Hiss! "Though I am surprised you're here right now and not being dragged across the continent, so I suppose you found a somewhat civil one."

Damn Harvey! The hell did that attitude come from? Are you asking to die? Do you not see that tail with the iron-like grip slowly rising as you speak?!

I quicky intercepted, "I proposed we mate because of the same reason I accepted your proposal. I like him and want to get to know him. I know ferals are typically something to be weary of but please give him a chance, just as I am." I spoke while gazing at Harvey with pleading eyes. 

He met my gaze, and I noticed his resolve wavering, he looked towards Curtis, and I don't know what the hell transpired between their shared gaze but then he said, "Okay."

After that, the most bizarre thing happened, Harvey started preparing food for himself and Curtis. If my jaw could hit the floor, I assure you it would be in hell right now. 

What in the plot deviation? Perhaps I changed too much too soon, my brain feels as though it's short circuiting.

Then a thought hit me, "Harvey, don't put any peppers on Curtis' meat. His tongue is sensitive."

Curtis looked at me from his now lounging position, really looked at me.

Then suddenly, he got up and practically materialized before me. A startled gasp escaped me both from my personal bubble being invaded and Curtis' cold fingers caressing my face. He lowered his face next to mine and his forked tongue flickered out, lightly dancing along my skin. Thank God, my skin doesn't show the full extent of my blush. If I were lighter, I bet my complexion could rival a tomato. 

Curtis withdrew slightly to allow our gazes to meet, curiosity swirling behind those ruby orbs, "I believe we'll get along splendidly little Ari." He then backed away, just then Harvey returned with the food and handed it to him.

Then the two fuckers just started eating, leaving me gob smacked. Jaw still in hell.

Deciding to count my blessings, I straightened up then sat next to them. While stealing a piece of meat from Harvey's plate, I asked about MC.

"Did everything go well with the patient you left to see?"

"Yes," "Harvey replied. "Parker, the leopard that requested my aid, found his female wondering around the woods yesterday and only realized today that she had been injured. It was nothing serious though."

I looked at him as he spoke, sensing a delightful lack of infatuation as he mentioned Qingqing.

"Oh, she must be shaken up, with having been lost and all," I tried probing for his opinion of her.

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