Chapter 45

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Trigger Warning – suicidal thoughts and suicide. Proceed with caution!!!

This chapter may be a bit too much for some people. Again, proceed with caution. There are two memories shown in this chapter. The first with Damien, and the second with Ezra. It will follow the same format as the previous chapter, with a scene change to the present time in between memories.

The scene change to the present that occurs after the memory primarily focused on Ezra can be very triggering to some people.

These asterisks, '***', as seen throughout the story so far, signal a scene change.

If you wish to skip the scene, it's up to you. If you wish to read it, also up to you.

Note that it will be the final scene of the chapter so if you wish to not read it, it might serve you better to close the book after the second memory.

Just a reminder that memories are italicized.

Present scenes are written normally, like this without being bolded.

You have been notified beforehand.

I wiped the silent tears that had fallen for the umpteenth time. I abruptly sat up and furrowed my brows.

What the hell is happening right now?

Even if it was a coma dream...why would I dream about that?

That novel. That manhua.

I didn't like it that much for it to make such a mark on my psyche. On the contrary, I thought of it as any of the other multitudes of books I've read.

Something that tickled my fancy at that moment. Nothing life-altering.

Why hadn't I dreamt about my own life?

My struggles. My pain. Why be put through more?

Why learn happiness and bliss just to have it ripped away?

Why didn't I just die?!

I scowled as I haphazardly put on a pair of sneakers.

Fuck this dreary, moldy ass apartment.


A few days after dealing with the massive pain in the ass that was the ape king, and just before getting things finalized for the move, I decided to give my hair some much needed TLC and have some me time.

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