Chapter 37

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I groaned as I shifted uncomfortably on the stone floor. I didn't have any time to marvel at the ocean's ecosystem on the way down because my mind was busying me with various scenarios of how badly this could turn out.

None of my kidnappers had introduced themselves, they simply put me in an underground cave filled with air, then two of them left. One of them stayed and I had no idea why.

He didn't speak, he would simply peek at me from time to time and swiftly turn around when he noticed I was watching.

It was disgusting.

I wanted to kill him. I wanted to kill all of them. How fucking dare they? I know that they would have only captured me for one thing, and I promised myself since the moment I was submerged in the ocean that they would have to kill me first.

If they thought I was going to pop out babies for them, that's when they made the worst mistake of their lives.

There was a pearl in the cave. Not the ones that illuminated it, no. This one was different. It was placed on a bed of seaweeds and was perched on a large rock. Was the merman guarding me or that pearl?

They had me right where they wanted me. I can't breathe underwater, so if I go outside, I'm dead. Why would I need a guard?

I had fallen into a dreamless and restless sleep after much tossing and turning. I've been feeling a sense of emptiness since I was brought here. I can't really put my finger on it, but I felt as if my soul had been shattered to pieces, and said pieces were scattered all over the continent. It was odd and uncomfortable.

I heaved my heavy and sluggish body off the floor and stood on weak legs. I gritted my teeth as I realized I would once again be subjected to using a sand pit to relieve myself. I looked at the giant fish in the room that hadn't taken a single step away from where he planted his feet the day prior and saw that he had his back turned.

I reluctantly stepped into the sand pit and squatted to relieve myself. I kept my eyes trained on the man inside the room, making sure he didn't try to sneak a peek at me. I was just about finished when I realized he appeared to be frequently shifting on his feet.

What the fuck's wrong with him? Does he need to pee too?

It was when he turned his head to the side the slightest bit that our eyes met, and I saw that he was sporting a furious blush on his cheeks. He quickly returned to his position when he realized he had been caught.

I quickly finished up and stepped out of the sandpit.

"Hey!" I walked towards him.

"Y-Yes female," he answered nervously and shyly.

I narrowed my eyes, "Why are you here? I can't leave this cave, you know!"

"I-I'm not allowed to say."

I sighed. I was way too exhausted to deal with incompetence right now. "Look at me one more fucking time in a moment privacy and I'll gouge your eyes out and feed it to your cousins. Got that?"

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