Chapter 32

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Flying was fun and exciting for the first hour or so, after that, I wanted nothing more than to get down.

I had to separate myself and the tiger cubs from the snakes since their body temperature was not helping my misery at all. The sun was at its peak and for all intents and purposes, I should be boiling right now.

Thanks to science and reality wanting to kick me in the face, that was not the case.

It's brutal out here, my toes felt like mini-icicles.

I hung my head over the side of the hammock and looked at the vegetation we were swiftly passing below. That might not have been my brightest idea, but I was bored and needed something new to occupy my mind. I had petted the tigers so much that they were irritated by me and chose to cuddle together on top of the snakes to get away from me.

That didn't sting at all.

We had to do this for the next couple of days. My men had estimated that it would take a week before we can make pit stops at any suitable villages along the way. Till then, we'd have to spend the night in caves and eat the preserved food we brought along with us.

I wasn't looking forward to being uncomfortable as we traveled but the thought of finally settling down in a place where we could call home, made me shove all my complaints to the furthest corner of my mind.

I decided that I would be a good wife along the way and not give my men too many headaches.

When I got bored of looking at the scenery, I decided to get some sleep and hope that time would pass swiftly as I did.




I groaned and turned to my side to get away from the voice calling me.

"Isa, come on. Aren't you hungry? We made roasted short birds and rice. You should come before Two steals your share."

I was wide awake upon hearing that, knowing full well that the little menace would in fact steal my share.

I looked at Harvey, "Why didn't you start with that?"

"You're right, I'll do that next time." He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug.

I sighed and relaxed into him, "How was the journey? Is everyone alright?"

"Yes, they're fine."

"Oh! I never asked since everyone was occupied, but what happened with Rosa? I think I heard her screaming when Damien took off that day."

"Nothing. She was just screaming at you as you left. She left with her mates soon after."

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