Chapter 2

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I was in a daze.


And internally sobbing at my current situation.

Of course, I had to be dropped in a world where I'm canon fodder and lack the MC shield, of course this world had to be completely hostile to the weak and vulnerable, of course in order to survive I had to depend on other people, of course it had to have superficial beauty standards, and of course in this world my ass had to be considered ugly......

Let's hope that's just the leopard's opinion. I don't think finding mates will be particularly difficult since I am a woman, but I may have trouble find strong men if I'm universally perceived as unattractive. Sigh, I just got here, and the troubles are slowly piling up.

Parker must have asked the "what tribe are you from?" question because he turned to me and said, "Are you an ape too female? You have similar traits to Qingqing but she is more beautiful."

Oh, he's just taking all the shots at me today, huh?

"I'm hoping that rudeness of yours is temporary you idiotic cat. We don't even know each other and all you've done so far is throw insults at me, " I said with a scowl. "I'm not an ape."

He threw me a look of disdain, "What are you then?"

"None of your business, dumb cat."

He growled at me, then probably decided I wasn't worth it as he turned to Qingqing.

"Come Qingqing let me take you to my village."

Then they were off. 

Literally, the fuckers left me. 

Sigh, I took off running in the direction they went, not wanting to be stranded in this forsaken forest and desperately needing some peace and quiet to plan my actions ahead.

By the time I could see the abnormally large leopard with a small girl on its back, I was wheezing and hacking in a sad attempt at getting some oxygen in my lungs. Just up ahead I could glimpse what looked like a gathering of shoddy looking huts. I plopped down where I was, needing to catch my breath and wanting to avoid the attention Parker and Qingqing would garner.

After about 30 minutes, I was breathing normally again. With a fleeting feeling of self-pity, I pulled myself to a standing position and slowly trudged towards the village.

I was tired, thirsty and borderline pissed. I only had one thought on my mind.


I was a woman on a mission and had every intention of seeing it through. I hope even if he does find me ugly, he won't leave a potential baby maker on the side of the streets to die. I've barely been here a day and my thought process is already being messed up, I know I did not just call myself a potential baby maker...girl stand up.

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